Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The CompositeAggregator..::..Parallel type exposes the following members.


Protected methodCompositeAggregator..::..Parallel
Construct a parallel CompositeAggregator based on a specified IEntryAggregator array.


Public methodAggregate
Process a set of IInvocableCacheEntry objects in order to produce an aggregated result.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)
Public methodAggregateResults
Aggregate the results of the parallel aggregations.
Public methodEquals
Compare the CompositeAggregator with another object to determine equality.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Determine a hash value for the CompositeAggregator object according to the general object.GetHashCode() contract.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReadExternal
Restore the contents of a user type instance by reading its state using the specified IPofReader object.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)
Public methodToString
Return a human-readable description for this CompositeAggregator.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)
Public methodWriteExternal
Save the contents of a POF user type instance by writing its state using the specified IPofWriter object.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)


Protected fieldm_aggregators
The underlyig IEntryAggregator array.
(Inherited from CompositeAggregator.)


Public propertyParallelAggregator
Get an aggregator that can take the place of this aggregator in situations in which the IInvocableCache can aggregate in parallel.

See Also