Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The IIndexAwareExtractor type exposes the following members.


Public methodCreateIndex
Create an index and associate it with the corresponding extractor.

Important: it is a responsibility of this method's implementations to place the necessary <IValueExtractor, ICacheEntry> entry into the given map of indexes.

Public methodDestroyIndex
Destroy an existing index and remove it from the given dictionary of indexes.
Public methodEquals
Compare the IValueExtractor with another object to determine equality.
(Inherited from IValueExtractor.)
Public methodExtract
Extract the value from the passed object.
(Inherited from IValueExtractor.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Determine a hash value for the IValueExtractor object according to the general object.GetHashCode contract.
(Inherited from IValueExtractor.)
Public methodToString
Provide a human-readable description of this IValueExtractor object.
(Inherited from IValueExtractor.)

See Also