Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The SimpleElement type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddAttribute
Provides a means to add a new attribute value.
Public methodAddElement
Create a new element and add it as a child element to this element.
Protected methodCheckMutable
Validates that the element is mutable, otherwise throws an InvalidOperationException.
Public methodClone
Creates and returns a copy of this SimpleElement.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..Clone()()()().)
Protected methodConvert
Convert the passed object to the specified type.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodEnsureElement
Ensure that a child element exists.
Protected methodEnsureType
Change the type of the internal representation of the IXmlValue.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodEquals
Compare this XML element and all of its contained information with another XML element for equality.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..Equals(Object).)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindElement
Find a child element with the specified '/'-delimited path.
Public methodGetAttribute
Get an attribute value.
Public methodGetBinary()()()()
Get the value as Binary.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetBinary(Binary)
Get the value as Binary.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetBoolean()()()()
Get the value as a boolean.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetBoolean(Boolean)
Get the value as a boolean.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDateTime()()()()
Get the value as a DateTime.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDateTime(DateTime)
Get the value as a DateTime.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDecimal()()()()
Get the value as a decimal.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDecimal(Decimal)
Get the value as a Decimal.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDouble()()()()
Get the value as a double.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetDouble(Double)
Get the value as a double.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetElement
Get a child element.
Public methodGetElements
Get an enumerator of child elements that have a specific name.
Public methodGetHashCode
Provide a hash value for this XML element and all of its contained information.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodGetInt()()()()
Get the value as an int.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetInt(Int32)
Get the value as an int.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetLong()()()()
Get the value as a long.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetLong(Int64)
Get the value as a long.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetSafeAttribute
Get an attribute value, and return a temporary value if the attribute does not exist.
Public methodGetSafeElement
Return the specified child element using the same path notation as supported by FindElement(String), but return a read-only element if the specified element does not exist.
Public methodGetString()()()()
Get the value as a string.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetString(String)
Get the value as a string.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInstantiateAttribute
Instantiate an IXmlValue implementation for an attribute value.
Protected methodInstantiateAttributes
Instantiate an IDictionary implementation that will support the name to value dictionary used to hold attributes.
Protected methodInstantiateElement
Instantiate an IXmlElement implementation for an element.
Protected methodInstantiateElementList
Instantiate an IList implementation that will hold child elements.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReadExternal
Restore the contents of a user type instance by reading its state using the specified IPofReader object.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..ReadExternal(IPofReader).)
Public methodSetAttribute
Set an attribute value.
Public methodSetBinary
Set the Binary value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetBoolean
Set the boolean value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetDateTime
Set the value as a DateTime.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetDecimal
Set the decimal value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetDouble
Set the double value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetInt
Set the int value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetLong
Set the long value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodSetString
Set the string value.
(Inherited from SimpleValue.)
Public methodToString()()()()
Format the XML element and all its contained information into a string in a display format.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..ToString()()()().)
Public methodToString(Boolean)
Format the XML element and all its contained information into a string in a display format.
Protected methodWriteAttributes
Write the attributes as part of a start tag.
Protected methodWriteChildren
Write the element's children.
Protected methodWriteComment
Write the comment as it will appear in XML.
Protected methodWriteEmptyTag
Write the element as a combined start/end tag.
Protected methodWriteEndTag
Write the element's end tag.
Public methodWriteExternal
Save the contents of a POF user type instance by writing its state using the specified IPofWriter object.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..WriteExternal(IPofWriter).)
Protected methodWriteStartTag
Write the element's start tag.
Public methodWriteValue
Write the value as it will appear in XML.
(Overrides SimpleValue..::..WriteValue(TextWriter, Boolean).)
Public methodWriteXml
Write the element as it will appear in XML.

See Also