Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The XmlHelper type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAddElements
Add the elements from the IEnumerator to the passed XML.
Public methodStatic memberConvert
Convert the passed object to the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberConvertDocument
Converts specified System.Xml.XmlDocument into IXmlDocument.
Public methodStatic memberConvertElement
Converts specified System.Xml.XmlElement into IXmlElement.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDelegate<(Of <<'(TDel>)>>)
Creates a delegate from a given configuration. IXmlElement of the following structure:
               <static/> | <instance/>
Public methodStatic memberCreateInstance(IXmlElement, XmlHelper..::..IParameterResolver)
Create an instance of the class configured using an IXmlElement of the following structure:
            <!ELEMENT ... (class-name | (class-factory-name, method-name),
            <!ELEMENT init-params (init-param*)>
            <!ELEMENT init-param ((param-name | param-type), param-value,
As of Coherence 12.1.2 the supplied element may also be of the following format:
            <!ELEMENT instance>
where the "instance" format is the same as above.
Public methodStatic memberCreateInstance(IXmlElement, XmlHelper..::..IParameterResolver, Type)
Create an instance of the class configured using an IXmlElement of the following structure:
            <!ELEMENT ... (class-name | (class-factory-name, method-name),
            <!ELEMENT init-params (init-param*)>
            <!ELEMENT init-param ((param-name | param-type), param-value,
As of Coherence 12.1.2 the supplied element may also be of the following format:
            <!ELEMENT instance>
where the "instance" format is the same as above.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeAttribute
Decode an attribute value that was quoted.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeContent
Decode an element's content value.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeUri
Decode a System Identifier as per the XML 1.0 Specification 2nd ed section 4.2.2.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeAttribute
Encode an attribute value so that it can be quoted and made part of a valid and well formed XML document.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeContent
Encode an element's content value so that it can be made part of a valid and well formed XML document.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeUri
Encode a System Identifier as per the XML 1.0 Specification second edition, section 4.2.2.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureElement
Ensure that a child element exists.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureNamespace
Ensure the existence of the Namespace declaration attribute in a context of the specified IXmlElement.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberEqualsElement
Compare one XML element with another XML element for equality.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsValue
Compare one XML value with another XML value for equality.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFindElement(IXmlElement, String)
Find a child element with the specified '/'-delimited path.
Public methodStatic memberFindElement(IXmlElement, String, Object)
Find a child element with the specified '/'-delimited path and the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsolutePath
Get the '/'-delimited path of the passed element starting from the root element.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttribute
Get an attribute of the specified IXmlElement that matches to the specified local name and the specified Namespace URI.
Public methodStatic memberGetElement(IXmlElement, String)
Get a child element for the specified element.
Public methodStatic memberGetElement(IXmlElement, String, String)
Get a child element of the specified IXmlElement that matches to the specified local name and the specified Namespace URI.
Public methodStatic memberGetElements
Get an IEnumerator of child elements of the specified IXmlElement that match to the specified local name and the specified Namespace URI.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNamespacePrefix
Retrieve the Namespace prefix for a given URI in a context of the specified IXmlElement.
Public methodStatic memberGetNamespaceUri
Retrieve the Namespace URI for a given prefix in a context of the specified IXmlElement.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetUniversalName
Return a universal XML element name.
Public methodStatic memberHashElement
Provide a hash value for the XML element and all of its contained information.
Public methodStatic memberHashValue
Provide a hash value for the XML value.
Public methodStatic memberIsCommentValid
Validate the passed comment.
Public methodStatic memberIsElementMatch
Check whether or not an element matches to the specified local name and Namespace URI.
Public methodStatic memberIsEmpty
Check whether or not this element or any of its children elements have any content such as values or attributes.
Public methodStatic memberIsEncodingValid
Validate the passed encoding.
Public methodStatic memberIsInstanceConfigEmpty
Check whether or not the specified configuration defines an instance of a class.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameMatch
Check whether or not a universal (composite) name matches to the specified local name and Namespace URI.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameValid
Validate the passed name.
Public methodStatic memberIsPublicIdentifierValid
Validate the passed public identifier.
Public methodStatic memberIsSystemIdentifierValid
Validate the passed system identifier.
Public methodStatic memberIsWhitespace
Test if the specified character is XML whitespace.
Public methodStatic memberLoadResource
Load an XML configuration from a resource.
Public methodStatic memberLoadXml(Stream)
Load XML from a stream.
Public methodStatic memberLoadXml(TextReader)
Load XML from a reader.
Public methodStatic memberLoadXml(String)
Load XML from a resource specified by path.
Public methodStatic memberLoadXml(IResource)
Load XML from a given IResource.
Public methodStatic memberLoadXml(Stream, Encoding)
Load XML from a stream using the specified encoding.
Public methodStatic memberLookupXmlValueType
Convert a string type to known XmlValueTypes, if any.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberOverrideElement(IXmlElement, IXmlElement)
Override the values of the specified base element with values from the specified override element.
Public methodStatic memberOverrideElement(IXmlElement, IXmlElement, String)
Override the values of the specified base element with values from the specified override element.
Public methodStatic memberParseInitParams(IXmlElement)
Parse the specified "init-params" element of the following structure:
            <!ELEMENT init-params (init-param*)>
            <!ELEMENT init-param ((param-name | param-type), param-value,
into an object array.
Public methodStatic memberParseInitParams(IXmlElement, XmlHelper..::..IParameterResolver)
Parse the specified "init-params" element of the following structure:
            <!ELEMENT init-params (init-param*)>
            <!ELEMENT init-param ((param-name | param-type), param-value,
into an object array.
Public methodStatic memberParseMemorySize(String)
Parse the given string representation of a number of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberParseMemorySize(String, Int32)
Parse the given string representation of a number of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberParseTime(String)
Parse the given string representation of a time duration and return its value as a number of milliseconds.
Public methodStatic memberParseTime(String, Int32)
Parse the given string representation of a time duration and return its value as a number of milliseconds.
Public methodStatic memberPurgeChildrenNamespace
For the children elements of the specified IXmlElement purge the repetetive Namespace declarations.
Public methodStatic memberPurgeNamespace
For the specified IXmlElement purge the Namespace declarations that are declared somewhere up the xml tree.
Public methodStatic memberQuote
XML quote the passed string.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveElement
Remove all immediate child elements with the given name.
Public methodStatic memberReplaceElement
Replace a child element with the same name as the specified element.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberTransformInitParams
Transform the specified "init-params" element of the following structure:
            <!ELEMENT init-params (init-param*)>
            <!ELEMENT init-param ((param-name | param-type), param-value,
into an XML element composed of the corrsponding names. For example, the "init-params" element of the following structure:
will transform into
Public methodStatic memberTrim
Trim XML whitespace.
Public methodStatic memberTrimb
Trim trailing XML whitespace.
Public methodStatic memberTrimf
Trim leading XML whitespace.

See Also