Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (
Contains various filter implementations.


Public classAllFilter
IFilter which returns the logical "and" of a filter array.
Public classAlwaysFilter
IFilter which always evaluates to true.
Public classAndFilter
IFilter which returns the logical "and" of two other filters.
Public classAnyFilter
IFilter which returns the logical "or" of a filter array.
Public classArrayFilter
IFilter which is a logical operator of a filter array.
Public classArrayFilter..::..WeightedFilter
A thin wrapper around a Filter allowing for sorting the filters according to their effectiveness.
Public classBetweenFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for "Between" condition.
Public classCacheEventFilter
IFilter which evaluates the content of a CacheEventArgs object according to the specified criteria.
Public classCacheEventTransformerFilter
CacheEventTransformerFilter is a generic multiplexing wrapper that combines two implementations: an IFilter (most commonly a CacheEventFilter) and an ICacheEventTransformer and is used to register event listeners that allow to change the content of a CacheEventArgs.
Public classComparisonFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value.
Public classContainsAllFilter
IFilter which tests an ICollection or object array value returned from a member invocation for containment of all values in an collection.
Public classContainsAnyFilter
IFilter which tests an ICollection or object array value returned from a method invocation for containment of any value in a collection.
Public classContainsFilter
IFilter which tests an ICollection or object array value returned from a method invocation for containment of a given value.
Public classEqualsFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for equality.
Public classExtractorFilter
Base IFilter implementation for doing extractor-based processing.
Public classFilterTrigger
A generic Filter-based ICacheTrigger implementation.
Public classGreaterEqualsFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for "Greater or Equal" condition.
Public classGreaterFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for "Greater" condition.
Public classInFilter
IFilter which checks whether the result of a member invocation belongs to a predefined collection of values.
Public classInKeySetFilter
IFilter that limits the underlying filter evaluation only to the specified collection of keys.
Public classIsNotNullFilter
IFilter which tests the result of a member invocation for inequality to null.
Public classIsNullFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with null.
Public classKeyAssociatedFilter
IFilter which limits the scope of another filter according to the key association information.
Public classKeyFilter
EntryFilter which checks whether an entry key belongs to a set.
Public classLessEqualsFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for "Less or Equals" condition.
Public classLessFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for "Less" condition.
Public classLikeFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for pattern match.
Public classLimitFilter
IFilter which truncates the results of another filter.
Public classNeverFilter
IFilter which always evaluates to false.
Public classNotEqualsFilter
IFilter which compares the result of a member invocation with a value for inequality.
Public classNotFilter
IFilter which negates the results of another filter.
Public classOrFilter
IFilter which returns the logical "or" of two other filters.
Public classPresentFilter
IFilter which returns true for IInvocableCacheEntry objects that currently exist in an ICache.
Public classPriorityFilter
PriorityFilter is used to explicitly control the scheduling priority and timeouts for execution of filter-based methods.
Public classValueChangeEventFilter
IFilter which evaluates the content of a CacheEventArgs values based on the specified value extractor.
Public classXorFilter
IFilter which returns the logical exclusive or ("xor") of two other filters.


Public interfaceIEntryFilter
IEntryFilter provides an extension to IFilter for those cases in which both a key and a value may be necessary to evaluate the conditional inclusion of a particular object.
Public interfaceIIndexAwareFilter
IIndexAwareFilter is an extension to the EntryFilter interface that allows a filter to use a cache index to fully or partially evaluate itself.


Public enumerationCacheEventFilter..::..CacheEventMask
Event mask enum.
Public enumerationCacheEventFilter..::..CacheEventSyntheticMask
Event natural/synthetic mask enum.
Public enumerationFilterTrigger..::..ActionCode
The action taken if an evaluation of the ICacheTriggerEntry object representing a pending change fails (returns false).