Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The CacheListenerSupport type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddListener(ICacheListener, Object, Boolean)
Add a cache listener for a specific key.
Public methodAddListener(ICacheListener, IFilter, Boolean)
Add a cache listener that receives events based on a filter evaluation.
Protected methodStatic memberAddListenerState
Add a state information (lite or standard) assosiated with specified key and listener.
Protected methodStatic memberAddSafeListener(IDictionary, Object, ICacheListener)
Ensure that the specified cache has an Listeners object associated with the specified key and add the specified listener to it.
Protected methodStatic memberAddSafeListener(IDictionary, IFilter, ICacheListener)
Ensure that the specified cache has an Listeners object associated with the specified filter and add the specified listener to it.
Public methodClear
Remove all signed up listeners.
Public methodCollectListeners
Collect all Listeners that should be notified for a given event.
Public methodContainsStandardListeners(Object)
Checks whether or not this CacheListenerSupport object contains any standard (not lite) listeners for a given key.
Public methodContainsStandardListeners(IFilter)
Checks whether or not this CacheListenerSupport object contains any standard (not lite) listeners for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberConvertEvent
Convert the specified cache event into another CacheEventArgs that ensures the lazy event data conversion using the specified converters.
Public methodStatic memberDispatch(CacheEventArgs, ICacheListener)
Dispatch the CacheEventArgs to the specified ICacheListener.
Public methodStatic memberDispatch(CacheEventArgs, Listeners)
Dispatch the CacheEventArgs to the specified Listeners collection.
Public methodStatic memberDispatch(CacheEventArgs, Listeners, Boolean)
Dispatch the CacheEventArgs to the specified Listeners collection.
Public methodStatic memberEnrichEvent
Enrich the event with the filters associated with the listener.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodEvaluateEvent
Evaluate whether or not the specified event should be delivered to the listener associated with the specified filter.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFireEvent
Fire the specified cache event.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetListeners(Object)
Obtain the Listeners object for a given key.
Public methodGetListeners(IFilter)
Obtain the Listeners object for a given filter.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsEmpty()()()()
Checks whether or not this CacheListenerSupport object contains any listeners.
Public methodIsEmpty(Object)
Checks whether or not this CacheListenerSupport object contains any listeners for a given key.
Public methodIsEmpty(IFilter)
Checks whether or not this CacheListenerSupport object contains any listeners for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberIsPrimingListener
Check if the given listener is a PrimingListener or if it wraps one.
Protected methodIsTransformedEvent
Return true iff the specified event represents a transformed CacheEvent.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveListener(ICacheListener, Object)
Remove a cache listener that previously signed up for events about a specific key.
Public methodRemoveListener(ICacheListener, IFilter)
Remove a cache listener that previously signed up for events based on a filter evaluation.
Protected methodStatic memberRemoveListenerState
Remove a state information (lite or standard) associated with specified key and listener.
Protected methodStatic memberRemoveSafeListener
Remove the specified listener from the Listeners object associated with the specified key.
Public methodToString
Provide a string representation of the CacheListenerSupport object.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public methodStatic memberUnwrapEvent
Unwrap the specified map event and return the underlying source event.
Protected methodStatic memberUnwrapListener
Unwrap the specified cache listener and return the underlying cache listener.

See Also