Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The IPofValue type exposes the following members.


Public methodApplyChanges
Apply all the changes that were made to this value and return a binary representation of the new value.
Public methodGetBoolean
Return the Boolean which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetBooleanArray
Return the Boolean[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetByte
Return the Byte which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetByteArray
Return the Byte[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetChanges
Return a binary containing changes made to this IPofValue in the format defined by the BinaryDeltaCompressor.
Public methodGetChar
Return the Char which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetCharArray
Return the Char[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetChild
Locate a child IPofValue contained within this IPofValue.
Public methodGetCollection(ICollection)
Return an ICollection of object values which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetCollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(ICollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
Return an ICollection<T> of object values which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDate
Return the DateTime which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDateTime
Return the DateTime which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDayTimeInterval
Return the TimeSpan which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDecimal
Return the Decimal which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDictionary(IDictionary)
Return an IDictionary of key/value pairs which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>)(IDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>))
Read an IDictionar<TKey, TValue>y of key/value pairs which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDouble
Return the Double which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetDoubleArray
Return the Double[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt16
Return the Int16 which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt16Array
Return the Int16[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt32
Return the Int32 which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt32Array
Return the Int32[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt64
Return the Int64 which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetInt64Array
Return the Int64[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetSingle
Return the Single which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetSingleArray
Return the Single[] which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetString
Return the String which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetValue()()()()
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetValue(Int32)
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodGetValue(Type)
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
Public methodSetValue
Update this IPofValue.

See Also