Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The CacheListenerSupport type exposes the following members.


Protected fieldm_cachedListeners
A cached list of Listeners.
Protected fieldm_cacheKeyListeners
The collections of ICacheListener objects that have signed up for key based notifications from an IObservableCache implementation keyed by the corresponding key objects.
Protected fieldm_cacheListeners
The collections of ICacheListener objects that have signed up for notifications from an IObservableCache implementation keyed by the corresponding IFilter objects.
Protected fieldm_cacheStandardKeyListeners
The subset of standard (not lite) key listeners.
Protected fieldm_cacheStandardListeners
The subset of standard (not lite) global listeners.
Protected fieldm_optimizationPlan
The optimization plan which indicates the fastest way to put together a list of listeners.
Protected fieldNO_LISTENERS
An empty list of Listeners.

See Also