7 Troubleshooting ODI on OCI

This chapter describes about various services associated with ODI on OCI and ways to troubleshoot them when you encounter issues while using them.


If you are facing issues connecting to ADB dataserver and MySQL repository after long hours of inactivity, try reconnecting to ODI repository to overcome this problem.

How Tos


The following commands are supported in release(s) prior to version of ODI Marketplace. For latest release, refer to Managing ODI Credential.
  • How to get the password for a MYSQL based ODI repository?
  • How to update ODI Repository and schema credentials for ADB technology?
    cd $MW_HOME/odi/common/scripts
    Create a new file updateCredentials.sh and add below contents
    echo "Updating credentials in wallet..." 
    export WCLASSPATH 
    java -cp $WCLASSPATH oracle.odi.setup.util.ODIWalletSetupUtil odi ../../common/scripts/jps-config-jse.xml <supervisorPassword> <schemaPassword>
    Save the file and stop the ODI agent.
    Run the script ./updateCredentials.sh.
    Restart the ODI agent.


    In the above commands, change the values for <supervisorPassword> <schemaPassword> fields with your respective ODI supervisor password and ADB Repository schema password.