C Reporting for Case Management Filter Execution

This appendix describes how to extract information about Case Management filter execution in Oracle Enterprise Data Quality.

EDQ includes trigger points that are called at the start and end of each filter execution. Information about the filter execution is passed to the triggers, which can then be sent to a streaming service such as Java Message Service (JMS), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming service, and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

The trigger paths are as follows:

  • /casemanagement/filter/start
  • /casemanagement/filter/end

Run functions in triggers accepting these paths are defined as shown below:

function run(path, id, env, json) {

The json argument is a stringified JSON object containing the following attributes:

Attribute Description


Internal filter execution ID


String representation of the filter


Possible values are search_filter, report, bulk_update, bulk_delete and export


String representation of the report X axis (present for reports only)


String representation of the report Y axis (present for reports only)


Name of the server where the filter was executed


Internal numeric ID of the user running the filter


Name of the user running the filter


Display name of the user running the filter


Timestamp of filter start


Filter execution time in milliseconds (present for end calls only)


Indicates the reason if the filter did not complete successfully


SQL statement used for the filter (SQL execution mode only)


Array of SQL bind arguments

The args attribute in a report for a SQL execution contains the bind values which replace the '?' placeholders in the SQL text. Each entry in the array contains the following:


Suppose a trigger sends filter execution end reports to JMS, an OCI notification service topic, an OCI stream and a Kafka topic.

var oci    = OCI.create("OCI 1")
var topic  = oci.topic("ocid1.onstopic.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaa....")
var stream = oci.stream("ocid1.stream.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaa....")
var props  = config.loadTriggerProperties("jms", "jms\\.properties");
var jms    = JMS.open(Object.assign({}, props, config.loadCredentials("", props)))
var kprops = config.loadTriggerProperties("kafka", "kafka\\.properties");
var kprod  = KAFKA.producer(kprops.topic, kprops)
function getPath() {
  return "/casemanagement/filter/(start|end)";
function run(path, id, env, json) {
  if (path.endsWith("end")) {
    topic.publish("filter done", json)
    stream.publish(null, json)
    kprod.publish(null, json)

Note that the script trigger framework uses one instance for general queries and additional instances for execution. The first instance will never be triggered and thus resources such as JMS connections are not needed. The framework creates a built in variable runnable which is false for the single configuration instance. To optimise resources, this can be used as shown below:

var jms = runnable && JMS.open(Object.assign({}, props, config.loadCredentials("", props)))
function run(path, id, env, json) {
  jms && jms.send(json)