Configuring a Data Interface In a Job

When a process containing a Data Interface is added to a job, it will appear as in the following example:

Process containing a Data Interface

Any Data Interfaces that appear in the job must be configured in order for the job to run.

To configure each Data Interface:

  1. Double click on the Data Interface. The Configure Task dialog is displayed:
    Configure Task dialog
  2. Select the required Mapping in the drop-down field.


    It is possible to configure multiple mappings for a writer (for example, to write data to two difference staged data sets) but only a single mapping for a reader.

  3. Click OK to save, or Cancel to abandon.

Once Data Interface mappings have been specified for each data interface in a job, both the mappings and the objects that they bind to appear in the job. This means the job can now be run. See Example - Job containing two Data Interfaces below.