Externalizing Exports

To externalize an Export, right click on the Export in the Project Browser and select Externalize.

Select and edit the options as required. Click OK to save or Cancel to abandon.

The fields on the right of all Externalization dialogs contain the default name used for each externalization attribute. This is the label used to reference the externalized attribute in any third-party tool or file.

To change any field name, check the box to the left and edit the field as required.


Avoid the use of spaces in attribute names.

Externalizing exports allows external users to override not only configuration of the export itself (such as the table name to write to) but also options of the Data Store the export is writing to (for example the file name, or database connection details).


It is not possible to externalize the configuration that maps Staged Data attributes to target database columns. Furthermore, if the export is not set up to create a new table and you want to change the target table that it writes to dynamically at runtime, the target table must have exactly the same structure as the one used in the export definition, with the same columns and data types.