About Real Time Response

Real time response processes are designed to be called as interactive services to protect data quality at the point of data entry. A real time response process may perform virtually any data quality processing, including checking, cleaning and matching data. Profiling would not normally be used in a real time response process.

Real time response processes have the following characteristics:

  • They read data from a real time provider (such as the inbound interface of a Web Service).


    A real time response process may also include Readers connected to staged data configurations (such as snaphots), for example when Real time reference matching - in this case the process must be executed in Prepare mode before processing requests.

  • They write data to a real time consumer (such as the outbound interface of a Web Service).


    A real time response process may include Writers connected to staged data configurations, for example, to write a full audit trail of all records processed and their responses. These writers will not write any results until the process stops, regardless of any interval settings.

  • They are typically executed in Normal mode, and do not write out results, but may be executed in Interval mode, allowing results to be written out while the process runs continuously.

  • They should not include processors that are unsuitable for real time response processing, such as Duplicate Check.


    If a real time process includes a processor that is unsuitable for real time response processing, it will raise an exception when the first record or message is received. The supported execution types of each processor are listed in the help page for the processor.

Note that real time response processes may use much, or all, of the same logic as a batch process.