Running an Export As a Part of a Job

If you are exporting to a server-side Data Store, you can run the export as part of a larger job, and schedule that job for execution at some point in the future:

  1. Right Click on the Job Configuration in the Project Browser, and select New Job.
  2. This brings up the Job Configuration dialog. Change the default name of the job to a descriptive name.

    Note that the Tool Palette now changes to show a list of tasks that may be run in jobs.

  3. Drag-and-drop the Export Task from the Tool Palette to add it to the job.
  4. The job may also include other tasks, for example, to re-run snapshots, run processes, and external jobs. See the "Jobs" topic in Enterprise Data Quality Online Help for further details.
  5. For each export task selected, define how the export should be performed. A further option allows you to disable the export.
  6. Click Run to run the job straight away, or click Schedule to schedule the job to run at a later date or time.