Selecting Processor Options To Externalize

  1. In the Canvas area, double-click on the required processor. The Processor Configuration dialog is displayed.

  2. Select the Options tab.

  3. Click the Show Externalized Options button on the bottom-right of the dialog. An Externalize button is displayed next to each option.

    Failure Lookup Check
  4. For each option that needs to be externalized:

    1. Click the Externalize button. The Externalize dialog is displayed.

    2. Check the box in the dialog. A default label is assigned.

    3. Edit the label if required, or (if available) select another from the drop-down list.

    4. Click OK.

  5. When externalized, the button next to each option is marked with green to indicate that it is externalized.

  6. When all the options are externalized as required, click OK to save, or Cancel to abandon.