Setting Options

The processor design page allows you to choose the options on each of the member processors that you want to expose (or "publish") for the processor you are creating. In our example, above, we want the user to be able to select their own Reference Data sets for mapping Title and Forename values to Gender values (as for example the processor may be used on data for a new country, meaning the provided Forename to Gender map would not be suitable).

To publish an option, open the member processor in the processor design page, select the Options tab, and tick the Show publishing options box at the bottom of the window.

You can then choose which options to publish. If you do not publish an option, it will be set to its configured value and the user of the new processor will not be able to change it (unless the user has permission to edit the processor definition).

There are two ways to publish options:

  • Publish as New - this exposes the option as a new option on the processor you are creating.

  • Use an existing published option (if any) - this allows a single published option to be shared by many member processors. For example, the user of the processor can specify a single option to Ignore Case which will apply to several member processors.


If you do not publish an option that uses Reference Data, the Reference Data will be internally packaged as part of the configuration of the new processor. This is useful where you do not want end users of the processor to change the Reference Data set.

In our example, we open up the first member processor (Derive Gender from Title) and choose to publish (as new) the option specifying the Reference Data set used for mapping Title values to Gender values:

Setting Options

Note above that the Match Options are not published as exposed options, meaning the user of the processor will not be able to change these.

We then follow the same process to publish the option specifying the Reference Data set used for mapping Forename values to Gender values on the fourth processor (Derive Gender from Forename).

Once we have selected the options that we want to publish, we can choose how these will be labeled on the new processor.

To do this, click on Processor Setup button at the top of the canvas and rename the options. For example, we might label the two options published above Title Gender Map and Forename Gender Map:

Processor Setup