Setting Results Views

The Results Views of the new processor are set to those of any one (but only one) of the member processors.

By default, the final member processor in the sequence is used for the Results of the created processor. To use a different member processor for the results views, click on it, and select the Results icon on the toolbar:

Results icon

The member processor used for Results is now marked with an overlay icon:

Member processor for results

Note that in some cases, you may want to add a member processor specifically for the purpose of providing Results Views. In our example, we may want to add a Frequency Profiler of the three output attributes (TitleGender, ForenameGender and BestGender) so that the user of a new processor can see a breakdown of what the Add Gender processor has done. To do this, we add a Frequency Profiler in the processor design view, select the three attributes as inputs, select it as our Results Processor and run it.

If we exit the processor designer view, we can see that the results of the Frequency Profiler are used as the results of the new processor:

Processor results