Address Verification

The Address Verification processor (AV) is used to verify and standardize address data from any country. It also provides geocoding.


If the processor has not been correctly installed it will still run but all the output fields will be left blank, except for Accuracy Code, which will have a value of -1.0.

Use the Address Verification processor:

  • to standardize addresses to a format;

  • to check whether an address is correct;

  • to complete partial addresses; and

  • to enhance address data with geocodes.


This processor always appears with a re-run marker, indicating that it will be completely re-executed each time the process is run, regardless of whether or not its configuration has changed. This will also mean that processors that are downstream of the processor will need to be rerun. This is because there may be changes made outside of the EDQ application that could lead to different results on subsequent executions.


The Input attribute mappings are used as clues by the processor as to which Input attributes may contain specific data types, according to the initial structure of the address data. It is not normally necessary to parse addresses fully into all the different Input attributes before putting data through Address Verification. In many cases, it is sufficient to simply add address data to the Input address lines (as long as a country is provided), as the Address Verification processor itself will internally parse addresses before matching them against country-specific reference data. However, if addresses are well structured, more effective verification results may be seen if the corresponding input attribute mappings are used (for example, if an Input attribute normally contains postal codes, it is best to map it to the Postal Code input attribute rather than simply mapping it in as an address line.)

  • Organization

  • Up to 8 address line values

  • Double Dependent Locality

  • Dependent Locality

  • Locality

  • Administrative Area

  • Postal Code

  • Country

  • Postal Box

  • Sub Building

  • Building

  • Premise

  • Thoroughfare

  • Dependent thoroughfare

  • Super Administrative Area

  • Sub Administrative Area


The Country input must be populated with a country name or code. Without it, Address Verification cannot verify an address or produce an Accuracy Code.


Option Description Settings

Processing mode

Whether to verify the input address or search all installed data and return multiple results.

Verify (Best Match): 1 to 1 - Checks the reference data and returns the best match.

Verify (Allow Multiple Results): Attempts to verify the input address 1 to 1, but allows Address Verification to return multiple possible results if the input address has an Ambiguous verification result.

Search: 1 to Many - Checks the reference data and returns multiple matches. Allows searching across countries, for example.

Maximum number of results

An optional upper limit on number of results that can be returned.

Note: This field is greyed out if Verify (Best Match) is selected.

Numeric field, maximum of 15 characters.


Whether matching geocodes are to be returned.



Output address separator

The symbol used to separate the address elements.

Selection of punctuation symbols and special characters.

Output script

The output is converted into the script selected.

Drop-down list of available scripts. Native - the default - returns the output in its original script.

Output Casing

The case the output is returned in.

The available options are Title (default - the first character of each word is upper case, the others are lower case), Upper or Lower.

Additional options

Free-text field.

There are additional options available that are not listed on the Address Verification: Options tab.

To use these options, enter them and the specified value in this free-text field. For example:




  • The field accepts options in any valid Java .properties key and value format.

  • See the Loqate support website for a full list of available options and possible values.

  • To enable CASS (fields prefixed with avverify.cass), enter CertifiedCountryList=USA into this field.

  • To enable AMAS (fields prefixed with avverify.amas), enter CertifiedCountryList=AUS into this field.

  • To enable SERP (fields prefixed with avverify.serp), enter CertifiedCountryList=CAN into this field.


The following table lists all the possible AV output fields. The exact output for each set of data depends on the settings of the AV processor, the original address data, and the information available for the country.


The CASS, AMAS and SERP options will only work if the appropriate additional Loqate libraries and data are installed.

Output Field Description


The full address, matched/verified and correctly formatted for mailing in the relevant country.


The full country name.


The ISO3166 two-character country code.


The ISO3166 three-character country code.


The ISO3166 three-digit numeric country code.


The largest geographic data element within a country.


The most common geographic data element within a country; e.g. a US state or Canadian Province.


The smallest geographic data element; e.g. a US county.


The most common population center data element in a country; e.g. a city or municipality.


A smaller population center data element; e.g. a Turkish neighborhood.


The smallest population center data element, depending on the contents of the Locality and DependentLocality fields; e.g. a UK village.


The most common street or block data element within a country; e.g. a street.


The prefix direction contained within the Thoroughfare field. E.g. if Thoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" ThoroughfarePreDirection will contain "N".


The leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. E.g. if Thoroughfare contains "RUE DE LA GARE" ThoroughfareLeadingType will contain "RUE".


The name indicator within the Thoroughfare field. E.g. if Thoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" ThoroughfareName will contain "MAIN".


The trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. E.g. if Thoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" ThoroughfareTrailingType will contain "ST".


The postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field. E.g. if Thoroughfare contains "MAIN ST N" ThoroughfarePostDirection will contain "N".


The dependent street or block data element within a country; e.g. UK Dependent Street.


The prefix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field. E.g. if DependentThoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" DependentThoroughfarePreDirection will contain "N".


The leading thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. E.g. if DependentThoroughfare contains "RUE DE LA GARE" DependentThoroughfareLeadingType will contain "RUE".


The name indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. E.g. if DependentThoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" DependentThoroughfareName will contain "MAIN".


The trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. For instance, if DependentThoroughfare contains "N MAIN ST" DependentThoroughfareTrailingType will contain "ST".


The postfix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field. E.g. if DependentThoroughfare contains "MAIN ST N" DependentThoroughfarePostDirection will contain "N".


The descriptive name identifying an individual location.


The leading building type indicator within the Building field. E.g. if Building contains "BLOC C" BuildingLeadingType will contain "BLOC".


The name indicator within the Building field. E.g. if Building contains "WESTMINSTER HOUSE" BuildingName will contain "WESTMINSTER".


The trailing building type indicator within the Building field. E.g. if Building contains "WESTMINSTER HOUSE" BuildingTrailingType will contain "HOUSE".


The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location.


The leading premise type indicator within the Premise field. E.g. if Premise contains "Plot 7/7A" PremiseType will contain "Plot".


The alphanumeric indicator within the Premise field. For instance, if Premise contains "Plot 7/7A" PremiseNumber contains "7/7A".


The secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point, e.g. "FLAT 1" or "SUITE 212".


The leading sub-building type indicator within the SubBuilding field. E.g. if SubBuilding contains "FLAT 1" SubBuildingType will contain "FLAT".


The alphanumeric indicator within the SubBuilding field. E.g. if SubBuilding contains "FLAT 1" SubBuildingNumber will contain "1".


The descriptive name within the SubBuilding field. E.g. if SubBuilding contains "BASEMENT FLAT" SubBuildingName will contain "BASEMENT FLAT".


The complete postal code for a particular delivery point.


The primary postal code used for a particular country; e.g. USA Zip, Canadian Postcode or Indian PINcode.


Secondary postal code information; e.g., USA Zip Plus 4.


The business name associated with a particular delivery point.


The name indicator within the Organization field. E.g. if Organization contains 'Loqate Inc" OrganizationName will contain "Loqate", if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the country.


The trailing type indicator contained within the Organization field. E.g. if Organization contains "Loqate Inc" OrganizationType will contain "Inc", if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the country.


The type indicator contained within the PostBox field. E.g. if PostBox contains "PO BOX 1234" PostBoxType will contain "PO BOX", if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the country.


The alphanumeric indicator within the PostBox field. E.g. if PostBox contains "PO BOX 1234" PostBoxNumber will contain "1234", if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists for the country.


The WGS 84 latitude in decimal degrees format.


The WGS 84 longitude in decimal degrees format.


The full address minus the Organization, Locality hierarchy, AdministrativeArea hierarchy and PostalCode hierarchy fields, correctly formatted for mailing in the relevant country, including line breaks specified using the AddressLineSeparator option.


The possible radius in meters of Geocoding results that have been calculated as the average of multiple points.


The contact name.


The function or job title.


Organizational department information.


Any words that could not be matched to a particular address component.


Delivery Point Identifier: a unique 8-digit number which is assigned for every new address to the source address database


Type of floor or level


Floor or level number (which can include alpha characters)


Allotment number


Postal delivery number if the address is a postal delivery type


Postal delivery number prefix related to the postal delivery number


Postal delivery number suffix related to the postal delivery number


Thoroughfare number for a property (first number in a property ranged address)


Suffix for the thoroughfare number


Second thoroughfare number (only used if the property has a ranged address. For example, 23-25)


Suffix for the second thoroughfare number


Also known as Barcode Sort Plan (BSP) number. One of 54 individual sort regions around Australia. To qualify for Australia Post's PreSort Letters Service, letters must be sorted based on this number.


Also known as a PreSort Indicator. To qualify for Australia Post's Print Post Service, letters must be sorted based on this number.


Barcode based on the DPID


Primary address line in standardized format


Secondary address line in standardized format


Automated Zone Indicator, where

  • A – Carrier route sort rates apply. Merge allowed.

  • B – Carrier route sort rates apply. Merge not allowed.

  • C – Carrier route sort rates do not apply. Merge allowed.

  • D – Carrier route sort rates do not apply. Merge not allowed.


Carrier route code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a 5-digit ZIP Code, also referred to as CRID. There are 5 types:

  • B – PO Box

  • H – Highway contract

  • R – Rural route

  • C – City delivery

  • G – General delivery


Indicates whether the address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency(CMRA).

  • Y – Address found in the table

  • N – Address not found in the table

  • blank – Address not presented to the table


The congressional district to which the address belongs


A value of "Y" indicates that the record matched to a high rise default, rural route default, or street default record in the ZIP+4 file.


3-digit code which consists of the 2-digit delivery point code and 1-digit check digit.This is used to create the 12-digit POSTNET barcode which consists of the 5-digit ZIP Code, 4-digit ZIP+4 addon code, and this 3-digit code.


Indicates the deliverability of the address using one of the following values:

  • Y – Confirmed

  • N – Not confirmed

  • S – Confirmed after dropping the subbuilding number

  • D – Premise number confirmed but subbuilding number is missing

  • blank – The address was not submitted for DPV confirmation.


Delivery Point Validation footnotes. This field is used with the DPVConfirmedIndicator field determine the input address' validity and deliverability.

  • AA – Street, city, state and ZIP are valid. Address matched a record in the ZIP+4 file

  • A1 – Address not found in the ZIP+4 file. Address is invalid

  • BB – All address components are confirmed. Address is a deliverable address

  • CC – Address is a deliverable address after dropping the subbuilding number from the input address

  • F1 – Address matched to a military address

  • G1 – Address matched to a general delivery address

  • N1 – Found a DPV match to the premise number but the subbuilding number is missing from the input record

  • M1 – Premise number is missing

  • M3 – Premise number is invalid

  • P1 – PO, RR, HC Box number missing

  • P3 – PO, RR, HC Box number is invalid

  • RR – Address matched to CMRA and PMB designator is present

  • R1 – Address matched to CMRA but PMB designator is not present

  • U1 – Address matched to a unique ZIP Code


eLOT directional indicator. See the eLOTNumber field for additional information. Values:

  • A – ascending

  • D – descending


A 4-digit sequence number for eLOT (Enhanced Line of Travel). This number combined with the eLOTCode field is used in mail sorting. eLOT processing may be used by mailers to qualify for enhanced carrier route presort discounts.


A value of "Y" indicates that the address matched a record in the EWS (Early Warning System) file, thus resulting in a ZIP+4 no match


The False Positive table flags the False Positive addresses. This flag determines whether a mailing list is being generated or created during validation. The USPS does not allow creating a mailing list through DPV certification.

  • Y – Address was found in the table

  • N – Address was not found in the table

  • blank – Address was not presented to the table


A 5-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code which uniquely identifies counties.


Footnote string

  • A – ZIP corrected

  • B – City/State corrected

  • C – Invalid City/State/ZIP

  • D – No ZIP assigned

  • E – ZIP assigned for multiple response

  • F – No ZIP available

  • G – Part of firm moved to address

  • H – Subbuilding number missing

  • I – Insufficient/incorrect data

  • J – Dual input

  • K – Multiple results caused by cardinal rule

  • L – Delivery address component added/deleted/changed

  • M – Street name spelling changed

  • N – Delivery address was standardized

  • O – Low +4 tie-breaker (multi-response)

  • P – Better delivery address exists

  • Q – Unique zipcode

  • R – No match due to EWS (Early Warning System)

  • S – Invalid secondary number

  • T – Multiple results caused by magnet rule

  • U – Unofficial PO name

  • V – Unverifiable city/state

  • W – Small town default

  • X – Unique ZIP code generated

  • Y – Military match

  • Z – ZIP move match


Code returned by LACSLink after querying the LACSLink database.

  • A – The input address matched to a record in the LACSLink database. A new address could be furnished.

  • 00 – The input address could not be matched to a record in the LACSLink®database. A new address could not be furnished.

  • 14 – The input record matched to a record in the LACSLink database. The new address could not be converted to a deliverable address.

  • 92 – The input address matched to a LACSLink record but the input address had a subbuilding number and the LACSLink record did not.


Indicator returned by LACSLink after querying the LACSLink database.

  • Y – The input address matched to a record in the LACSLink database.

  • S – The input address matched to a LACSLink record but the input address had a subbuilding number and the LACSLink record did not.

  • N – The input address could not be matched to a record in the LACSLink database. A new address could not be furnished.

  • F – A false positive record was detected


A value of "L" indicates that the input address matched an entry in the Locatable Address Conversion Service database and the input address has been converted from a rural-style address to a city-style address.


Indicates the address is not receiving delivery, and the address is not counted as a possible delivery. These addresses are not receiving delivery because 1) delivery has not been established; 2) customer receives mail as a part of a drop; or 3) the address is no longer a possible delivery because the carrier destroys or returns all of the mail.

  • Y – Address was found in the table

  • N – Address was not found in the table

  • blank – Address was not presented to the table


Parsed PMB number following the PMB designator


Parsed Private Mailbox (PMB) designator


Primary delivery address line. This can include any of the following:

  • Premise Number

  • Thoroughfare Name

  • Thoroughfare Predirection

  • Thoroughfare Postdirection

  • Thoroughfare Trailing Type

  • Subbuilding Number

  • PO BOX


Record type of address that is confirmed as a valid delivery address. Values:

  • S – Street

  • P – PO Box

  • R – Rural route

  • H – Highrise

  • F – Firm

  • G – General delivery


  • 10 – Invalid input address

  • 11 – Invalid 5-digit ZIP Code

  • 12 – Invalid state abbreviation code

  • 13 – Invalid city name

  • 21 – No match found

  • 22 – Multiple responses were found and more specific information is required to select a single or default response

  • 31 – A single matching address was found

  • 32 – An address was found, but a more specific address could be found with more information


This field indicates whether the input address is a residential address or a business address. Values:

  • Y – residential

  • N – business

  • blank – invalid address

Note: This field is only available if RDI data pack is installed together with CASS.


Secondary delivery address line (if present).


Code returned by SuiteLink after querying the SuiteLink database. Values:

  • A – The input address matched to a record in the SuiteLink database. An improved business address could be furnished.

  • 00 – The input address could not be matched to a record in the SuiteLink database.


Indicates that the delivery point was active in the past, but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and is not receiving deliveries. Values:

  • Y – Address was found in the table

  • N – Address was not found in the table

  • blank – Address was not presented to the table


V (Valid)

C (Correctable): Correctable fields will have been corrected to their right values in the output.

N (Invalid)


QR (for "Questionable-Rural")

QU (for "Questionable-Urban")

Empty - the address is not questionable.


Station/Postal Installation Area Name


Station/Postal Installation/Outlet Type


Name of the Postal Installation


The type of a Route Address: Rural Route, Military Route etc.


Identifies Route Number for a Route Address


Contains Site Or Compartment Specifier


Contains Site or Compartment Number


Flag Name Details


A code that indicates how accurately each address has been identified and matched.

Note: For the multiple output options (Verify: Allow Multiple Results and Search), an Accuracy Code is returned for each result found.


Number of addresses returned. Always "1" for Verify mode.


The match between the input and the closest reference match, expressed as a percentage. This is extracted from the Accuracy code.


A code that indicates whether one or more Geocodes associated with the address have been identified.


If the Returned field status flag? option on the Options tab of the processor is set to Yes, an additional flag will generated for each output attribute, with a numeric value indicating the verification status of each one.

Code Description


Not Applicable: Field is not applicable to return field status.


Verified No Change: Field has been verified using relevant reference data, no changes were needed.


Verified Alias Change: Field has been verified using relevant reference data, an alias change was made during parsing (see 7: Identified Alias).


Verified Small Change: Field has been verified using relevant reference data, a small spelling change was made.


Verified Large Change: Field has been verified using relevant reference data, a large spelling change was made.


Added: Field has been added using relevant reference data.


Identified No Change: Field has been identified using relevant lexicon data, no changes were needed. e.g. an input value of "PO Box 1234" may be identifiable as a PostBox, but if it is unable to be verified then status 6 will be returned.


Identified Alias: Field has been identified using relevant lexicon data, an alias change was made. e.g. an input value of 'Avnue' may be identifiable as an alias to the ThoroughfareType 'Ave'.


Identified Context: Field has been identified using relevant context rules. e.g. an input Address of "123 sdovnsdv San Bruno CA USA" may identify the word "sdovnsdv" as a Thoroughfare, but only because of the context in which it appears (after an identifiable Premise Number, and before an identifiable Locality).


Empty: Field is empty.


Unrecognized: Field is unrecognized.


This code consists of the following components:

A. Verification status - The level of verification.

  • V: Verified - A complete match was made between the input data and a single record from the available reference data.

  • P: Partially verified - A partial match was made between the input data and a single record from the available reference data.

  • U: Unverified - Unable to verify. The output fields will contain the input data.

  • A: Ambiguous - More than one close reference data match.

  • C: Conflict - More than one close reference data match with conflicting values.

  • R: Reverted - Record could not be verified to the specified minimum acceptable level. The output fields will contain the input data.

B. Post-processed verification match level - The extent to which the input data matches the available reference data following the verification process.

  • 5: Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding).

  • 4: Premise (Premise or Building).

  • 3: Thoroughfare.

  • 2: Locality.

  • 1: Administrative Area.

  • 0: None.

C. Pre-processed verification match level - The extent to which the input data matches the available reference data prior to the verification process.

  • 5: Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding).

  • 4: Premise (Premise or Building).

  • 3: Thoroughfare.

  • 2: Locality.

  • 1: Administrative Area.

  • 0: None.

D. Parsing status - Whether it has been possible to parse all the data.

  • I: Identified and Parsed - Input data has been able to be identified and placed into components

  • U: Unable to parse - Not all input data has been able to be identified and parsed.

E. Lexicon identification match level - The level to which the input data has a recognized form through pattern and lexicon matching.

  • 5: Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding).

  • 4: Premise (Premise or Building).

  • 3: Thoroughfare.

  • 2: Locality.

  • 1: Administrative Area.

  • 0: None.

F. Context identification match level - The context identification match level gives the level to which the input data can be recognized based on the context in which it appears.

  • 5: Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding).

  • 4: Premise (Premise or Building).

  • 3: Thoroughfare.

  • 2: Locality.

  • 1: Administrative Area.

  • 0: None.

G. Postcode status - The extent to which the postcode has been verified.

  • P8: PostalCodePrimary and PostalCodeSecondary verified.

  • P7: PostalCodePrimary verified, PostalCodeSecondary added or changed.

  • P6: PostalCodePrimary verified.

  • P5: PostalCodePrimary verified with small change.

  • P4: PostalCodePrimary verified with large change.

  • P3: PostalCodePrimary added.

  • P2: PostalCodePrimary identified by lexicon.

  • P1: PostalCodePrimary identified by context.

  • P0: PostalCodePrimary empty.

H. Matchscore - The similarity between the input data and closest reference data match as a percentage between 0 (no match) and 100 (perfect match).


Also known as the Geocode, this flag consists of two values:

Value Description Settings

Geocoding Status

Indicates whether a Geocode for the address has been found.

P: Point - A single geocode was found matching the input address

I: Interpolated - A geocode was interpolated from the input address's location in a range

A: Average Multiple - Candidate geocodes were found to match the input address, and an average of these was returned

U: Unable to geocode - A geocode was not able to be generated for the input address

Geocoding Level

Indicates the geographical accuracy of the Geocode.

5: Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding)

4: Premise (Premise or Building)

3: Thoroughfare

2: Locality

1: Administrative Area

0: None


Execution Mode Supported



Real-Time Monitoring


Real-Time Response


Results Browsing

The Address Verification processor presents no summary statistics on its processing.

In the Data view, each input attribute is shown with the output attributes to the right.

Output Filters
