Cross Array Element Update

This processor is designed to work on two arrays at a time. One array is the check array, the other is the array to be updated, and the second array is modified based upon the contents of the first array.

A typical use case for using this is when there are two different operations to be performed, and two different arrays are the outputs. The arrays may have to be first checked, and then updated/acted upon.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


  • Check Array: the array that is used to define how the second array is to be updated.

  • Update Array: the array to be updated.

  • Check Value: the value that is used to compare the arrays, and validate the comparison.

  • Update Value: the value that is updated in the second array.


Specify the following options:

  • Update value: the value that is updated in the second array. This is disabled if the input attribute of the same name is set.

  • Check value: the value that is used to compare the arrays, and validate the comparison. This is disabled if the input attribute of the same name is set.

  • Comparison operator: select the operator that must be used for comparing the arrays.

  • Ignore case: choose if you want the processor to ignore the case of the array elements. This is relevant only in case of strings.

  • Remove matching: choose if you want to remove the elements in the Update Array if there is a successful match in the Check Array. This is disabled if the input Update Value is set, or if the value in Update Value option is not empty.


Resulting array after concatenating the inputs.

Output Filters



Check Array Update Array Check Value (Input) Update Value (Input) Check Value (Property) Update Value (Property) Comparison operator Remove Matching Elements UpdatedArray Update Performed

(London, Cambridge, Cambridge, London)

(USA, UK, Argentina, Australia)





Is Equal to


(USA, Target, Target, Australia)


(Y, Y, Y, Y, Y)

(ABC, 1235, AB1, WER, TXT)

Not set

Not set



Is Equal to


(ABC, 1235, AB1, WER, TXT)








Is Equal to










Is Equal to

