Email Check

The Email Check processor checks for Email Addresses in an attribute, and validates them syntactically; that is, that the address conforms to a correct pattern for Email Addresses.

Note that Email Check uses a reference list of regular expressions to check for valid email addresses. You may change the rules used by the Email Check by modifying the list of regular expressions used for the check.

Use the Email Check processor to validate that email addresses have been entered correctly.


The Regular Expression used to validate email addresses is not foolproof. It will pass as valid email addresses containing a "." immediately after an "'@" symbol. It is recommended that an additional check be run on the Valid output of this processor to check for instances of such incorrectly formatted email addresses.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify a single attribute that you want to check for valid email addresses.


Specify the following options:

  • Valid email address patterns: provides a list of valid email address regular expressions. Specified as Reference Data (Regular Expressions Category). Default value: *Email Regex.

  • Treat nulls as valid: determines how Null values are treated in the check. Possible values: Yes/No. Default value: Yes.


Describes any data attribute or flag attribute outputs.

Data Attributes



The following flag is output:

  • EmailValid: indicates which data passes the Email Check. Possible values are Y or N.

The following table describes the statistics produced by the profiler:

Statistic Description

Valid records

Records with an email address in a valid pattern in the checked attribute.

Invalid records

Records where the data in the checked attribute was not in a valid email address pattern.

Output Filters

The following output filters are available from an Email Check:

  • Valid records

  • Invalid records


In this example, Email Check is used to check data in an EMAIL attribute:

This list describes the elements in the Summary page.

Valid Records = 1978

Invalid Records = 2

You can drill down on valid or invalid values.

Invalid values:

This list describes the elements in the Summary page.


