Experian QAS

The Experian QAS processor uses an installation of the Experian QAS Batch API (formerly known as the QAS QuickAddress Batch API) to verify and standardize addresses. EDQ supports any data sets that have been purchased for use with the Experian QAS Batch API. Default configurations (layouts) are provided for specific countries. It is also possible to standardize data to a user-created address output.

Addresses are verified by matching them against reference data supplied by Experian QAS. The reference data used is from various sources dependent on the country. See the Experian QAS Country Information Guides for details.

Names may also be verified against data supplied by Experian QAS, where such a data set is available for a given country, for example by using the QAS GBN Names data.

To use the Experian QAS processor, you must have a licensed installation of the Experian QAS Batch API on your EDQ server.


You may need to configure some system settings on your EDQ server to ensure that the Experian QAS Batch API and EDQ work together correctly.

This processor is compatible with Experian QAS Batch API version 6.1 and above.

Use the Experian QAS processor:

  • To standardize addresses to a given format, so that postal town and postcode are in specified attributes.

  • To check whether an address is correct, or if not, in what way the address is not correct (see the MatchCode meaning below).

  • To check whether a name is correct and up-to-date for a given address (where the QAS data set exists).

  • To enhance data to add further information available in data files from QAS, such as grid references.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify any number of attributes containing Name or Address data.

Note: When using the Experian QAS processor in ALL mode, to allow verification of address data from many countries, it is useful to input the name of the country of the address to the API to assist it in searching for the relevant country base. If you do not have the name of the country in your data, you can add it by enhancing the data using the address data, or an ISO Code.


Specify the following options:

  • Layout Selection: Selection of a layout from a drop down. Default value: GBR. Possible values:

    ALL - A range of countries will be used to check mixed international data. This should be used with the ISO country code as the first input attribute.

    FRA - France

    GBR - United Kingdom

    DEU - German

    ESP - Spain

    LUX - Luxembourg

    DNK - Denmark

    NLD - The Netherlands

    See Advanced Experian QAS API Configuration to create your own layout or to discover further options of verifying mixed international data. In general where you have addresses from many countries, Oracle recommend splitting up the data by country and feeding into separate Experian QAS processors, using the country-specific layouts. This will produce more accurate results, as the API will not have to attempt to locate the relevant data file to match the address against.


Describes any data attribute or flag attribute outputs.

Data Attributes

The output data attributes are dependent on the layout used as defined in the QAWORLD.ini file of the Experian QAS installation. All valid layouts will be selectable in the Options of the Experian QAS processor.


There are the following flags:

  • qas.MatchCode: Stores the full match code as returned by the Experian QAS Batch API.

  • qas.MatchSuccess: An upper case letter to indicate how well the Batch API matched the address.

  • qas.MatchConfidenceLevel: A single digit to indicate how good the match is.

  • qas.PostalCodeActionIndicator: A single digit to indicate what the Batch API has done to the Postal Code.

  • qas.AddressActionIndicator: A single digit to indicate what the Batch API has done to the address.

  • qas.AddressElementIndicators: The remaining details of the full MatchCode.


Execution Mode Supported



Real time Monitoring


Real time Response



This processor always appears with a re-run marker, indicating that it will be completely re-executed each time the process is run, regardless of whether or not its configuration has changed. This will also mean that processors that are downstream of the processor will need to be rerun. This is because there may be changes made outside of the EDQ application that could lead to different results on subsequent executions.

Results Browsing

The Experian QAS processor presents no summary statistics on its processing.

In the Data view, each input attribute is shown with the output attributes to the right.

Match code meaning

MatchCode Meaning

  • The number of records where Experian QAS returned either of the following results:

  • R - Full address and postcode found

  • Q - Full address found, but no postcode

  • P - Partial address found with postcode

  • O - Partial address found, but no postcode

  • N - Multiple addresses found with postcode

  • M - Multiple addresses found, but no postcode

  • L - Postcode found, but no address could be derived

  • K - No address or postcode could be derived

  • D - Unidentified country

  • C - Country not available

  • B - Blank

  • A - Unprocessed

  • Subsequent processors may be used to classify valid addresses. For example, the Logic Check processor could be used to pass those records where MatchSuccess >O (that is, P, Q or R), and where MatchConfidenceLevel = 9

Output Filters



In this example, a number of UK addresses are checked using the Experian QAS Batch API against the GBR layout:

Whole Address qas.MatchCode qas.MatchSuccess

Filling Station, Ilkley Road(A65), Burley in Wharfedale, North Yorkshire, LS29 7BT



Orbis, Cathedral Gardens, Manchester, Lancashire, M4 3PG



Moor End Livery, Tempsford Hall,, Sandy, SG19 2BD



C T V Services, CTV House, Lichfield Road Industrial Estate, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7TA



195 Temple Way ,,Bristol,BS99 7HD
