Generate Warning

The Generate Warning processor is designed to generate a warning, and/or trigger a process failure, in the event of processing a certain number of records (over a configurable threshold).

Use the Generate Warning processor in conjunction with the notification capabilities in Jobs if you want to be made aware of any warnings when running processes. For example, you might use an audit processor to check for data validity, and you might want to raise a warning if >n records fail the check. You might even want to fail the process to ensure that you don't continue running, if you know the remaining parts of the process need to be rerun in any case.

The Generate Warning processor therefore allows you to set your own definition of what constitutes a 'data error' that you want to see in the Event Log and in any notification emails.

Generate Warning and Intelligent Execution

To avoid generating unnecessary warnings when running the same process repeatedly while designing it, the Generate Warning processor only generates a new warning if its rerun marker is set, or if run in a process or job with intelligent execution turned off.

The rerun marker will always be set if a new set of data is being input to the process, or if the configuration of the processor is changed.