GNR Search

The GNR Search processor is the most important GNR processor, used to match query data (for example, customer names) with reference data (for example, names of individuals on watchlists). The GNR Search processor wraps various GNR APIs from the NameHunter package.

Use GNR Search to use linguistic, culture-sensitive rules to match names between data sets. GNR Search provides access to large dictionaries of name variants across a wide range of origin cultures. GNR Search also includes transliteration rules for Russian, Greek and Arabic so that matches may be made between names even where they are represented in different scripts.

To provide a single processor that works in both real time and batch execution, the GNR Search processor reads in its Reference Data (the "Search List") into memory using EDQ's standard Reference Data capability, and matches query names on a record-by-record basis.