Group Tag

The Group tag is used in the second step of tokenization to group sequences of character tags with the same Group tag.

Sequences of character tags with the same group tag, and the same character type, will be grouped to form a single token.

For example, the first phase of tokenization might tag the data "103" as "NNN", using character tags, but as there are three characters with the same group tag ('N') and the same character type (NUMERIC), in sequence, these are grouped to form a single Base Token ("103"), with a Base Token Tag of 'N'.

Note that the behavior for ALPHA characters is slightly different, as the user can choose whether or not to split tokens where there is a sequence of lower case and upper case letters. By default, tokens are split on transition from lower case to upper case, but not from upper case to lower case. For example, the data "Michael" has the sequence of character tags 'Aaaaaaa', but has a transition in character type from ALPHA_UPPERCASE to ALPHA_LOWERCASE after the first letter. If the user keeps the default setting of the Split Upper to Lower Case option as not set, this will be grouped to form a single Base Token ("Michael") with a Base Token tag of 'A', as the character tags 'a' and 'A' both share the same group tag, and because the user is not splitting data on the transition of character type.