1.14 Jobs

A Job is an organized configuration of one or more ordered Tasks. A Task is the execution of a Snapshot, a Process, an Export, a Results Book Export or an External Task.

Jobs are located within Projects.

The Tasks in a Job may be organized into several Phases, which are used to control the order in which Tasks are executed. For example, to ensure a Task A completes before Task B, Task A is placed in one Phase and Task B in a later phase. Within a Phase, all Tasks run as quickly as possible and (wherever possible) in parallel, sharing the available threads. It is possible to run several chained processes in the same Phase, in which case they will effectively run as a single process.

Phases and Tasks can be enabled or disabled, but this can be overridden using a Run Profile when running a job from the Server Console UI, or using the 'runopsjob' command of the EDQ command line interface.

Jobs may also include Triggers, which can be used to stop real-time processes or to start other jobs, either before the other tasks in a phase start running or once they are all complete.

You can configure a Job Notification email to be sent out on completion of a job. The email will show the Job status (that is, whether it succeeded or failed) and will also contain details of any warnings or errors encountered during execution.

Jobs can be scheduled to run using the Director UI, the Server Console UI, or an external scheduler using the Command Line Interface.

Jobs Canvas

Jobs are created and managed using the Job Canvas. To open the Job Canvas, navigate to the Jobs node of a project in the Project Browser and double click it.

The Job Canvas itself is divided into the Phase list (on the left) and the Canvas on the right. The Canvas displays the tasks in the currently selected Phase.

The Project Browser can be hidden (maximizing the area available for the Job Canvas) by toggling the Maximize Jobs Canvas button in the Director toolbar.

The buttons on the Job Canvas tool bar are as follows:

Table 1-136 Job Canvas Toolbar

Name Description

Run Job

Runs the currently displayed Job.

Run Job With Run Profile

Runs the currently displayed Job after prompting the user to select a Run Profile.


Configures an email notification. See Job Notifications for further details. More

Show/Hide Phase List

Shows/hides the Phase list.

Toggle Tool Palette Item

If the Filter is activated, the Tool Palette will display only those Tasks that can be connected to the currently selected Task.

Job Externalization

Opens the Job Externalization dialog for the currently selected Job.

Add Note

Adds a note to the Job Canvas, which can be moved by clicking and dragging, or deleted by selecting and pressing Delete.

Zoom In and Out

These buttons are used to zoom in or out on the Job Canvas.