List of Comparisons

Comparisons are used to compare identifier values between records in each cluster.

The following tables list the comparison functions provided in EDQ, by data type. Click on the comparison for more information about its usage.

Note that Matching Transformations may be used in order to transform values before they are compared.

String Comparison Functions

Comparison Compatible Identifier Type Description Possible Outputs

ALL in List


Determines if all the values contained within the attributes are present in a list.

TRUE, if all the values are present.

FALSE, if not.

Both Fields Null


Determines if both attributes are null.

TRUE, if both attributes are null.

FALSE, if not.

Character Edit Distance

String, String Array

Compares two values and determines how closely they match by returning the number of character edits required to transform one value into the other.

A numeric value indicating the Character Edit Distance between two String values.This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Character Match Percentage

String, String Array

Calculates the percentage similarity between two values using the character edit distance between the two values and the length of the longer value.

A numeric value indicating the Character Match Percentage.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Character Transposition Match

String, String Array

Compares two values and determines if they match or not if the values were transposed.

TRUE, if the values match.FALSE, if the values do notmatch.


String, String Array

Compares two values and determines if one value contains the other value.

TRUE, if the values match.

FALSE, if the values do not match.

Equal or One/Both Fields Null


Determines if both attributes are equal or either attribute is null.

TRUE, if both attributes are equal or either attribute is null.

FALSE, if not.

Exact String Match

String, String Array

Compares two values and determines if they match or not.

TRUE, if the values match.

FALSE, if the values do not match.

In List

String, String Array

Compares two values against another specified value or set of values.

TRUE, if the values match.

FALSE, if the values do not match.

In Array

String Array

Compares two arrays against another specified array or set of arrays.

TRUE, if the array matches.

FALSE, if the array do not match.

Longest Common Phrase

String, String Array

Compares two values and returns the number of words in the longest sequence of words that is common between the two values.

A numeric value indicating the Longest Common Phrase.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Longest Common Phrase Percentage

String, String Array

Calculates how closely two values match by relating the longest common word sequence between two values to the length in words of either the longer, or the shorter, value.

A numeric value indicating the Longest Common Phrase Percentage.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Longest Common Substring

String, String Array

Compares two values and returns the number of characters in the longest part of each value that is common between them.

A numeric value indicating the length of the longest substring that is common in two String values.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Longest Common Substring Percentage

String, String Array

Calculates how closely two values match by relating the Longest Common Substring between two values to the length in characters of either the longer, or the shorter, value.

A numeric value indicating the Longest Common Substring Percentage.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Longest Common Substring Sum

String, String Array

Compares two values and returns the sum, in characters, of substrings over a given length that are common between the values.

A numeric value giving the sum of common substrings with the specified minimum number of characters, or greater.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Longest Common Substring Sum Percentage

String, String Array

Calculates the Longest Common Substring Sum and relates it to the length of the shorter or longer string.

A numeric value indicating the Longest Common Substring Sum Percentage.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Starts With

String, String Array

Compares two values and determines if one value starts with another value

TRUE, if one of the values starts with the other.

FALSE, if not.

Word Edit Distance

String, String Array

Compares two values and determines how closely they match by returning the number of word edits required to transition one value to the other.

A numeric value indicating the Word Edit Distance between two String values.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

String Array Element Match Count

String Array

Compares elements of two arrays to be a same.

Numeric value depending upon the exact number of elements matched in two arrays.

String Array Element Match Count Percentage

String Array

Compares elements of two arrays to be a same.

Percentage value depending upon the exact number of elements matched in two arrays.

String Array Subset

String Array

Compares two arrays and determine if one is a subset of other or not.

TRUE, if one array is a subset of another.

FALSE, if not.

Word Match Count

String, String Array

Returns the number of words that are common between two values.

The number of words that are common to two String values.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Word Match Percentage

String, String Array

Calculates the percentage similarity between two values using the Word Edit Distance between the two values and the length of the longer value.

A numeric value indicating the Word Match Percentage.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Date Comparison Functions

Comparison Compatible Identifier Type Description Possible Outputs

Date Difference

Date, Date Array

Compares two date values/arrays and returns the difference, in terms of time, between the two dates.

A numeric value representing the difference between the two dates. Depending on the option settings, the difference may be expressed as whole years, whole months, whole weeks, or whole days.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Date Edit Distance

Date, Date Array

Compares two date values/arrays and returns the Date Edit Distance between the two values.

A numeric value indicating the edit distance between two dates.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Date Transposition Match

Date, Date Array

Compares two date values/arrays with the day and month transposed and determines if they match or not.

TRUE, if the values match.

FALSE, if the values do not match.

Exact Date Match

Date, Date Array

Compares two date values/arrays and determines if they match or not.

TRUE, if the values match.

FALSE, if the values do not match.

Date Array Element Match Count

Date Array

Compares two date arrays and determines if the elements are same or not.

A numeric value representing the number of elements found similar.

Date Array Element Match Percentage

Date Array

Compares two date arrays and determines if the elements are same or not.

A percentage value depending upon the exact matches of elements in two arrays.

Date Array Subset

Date Array

Compares two date arrays and determines if one is a subset of the other or not.

TRUE, if one array is subset of other.FALSE, if not

Similar Date

Date, Date Array

Compare two date, date arrays and determines if they are similar.

TRUE, if dates are similar.

FALSE, if not.

Number Comparison Functions

Comparison Compatible Identifier Type Description Possible Outputs

Absolute Difference

Number, Number Array

Calculates and returns the Absolute Difference between two numbers or number arrays.

The numerical Absolute Difference between two numbers and number arrays.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.


Number, Number Array

Compares two numbers, number arrays and determines if they are equal or not.

TRUE, if the values are equal.

FALSE, if not.

Percent Difference

Number, Number Array

Calculates and returns the Percent Difference between two numbers or number arrays.

The Percent Difference between two numbers.

This comparison supports the use of result bands.

Number Array Element Match Count

Number Array

Compares two number arrays and determines if the elements are same or not.

A numeric value representing the number of elements found similar.

Number Array Element Match Percentage

Number Array

Compares two number arrays and determines if the elements are same or not.

A percentage value representing the number of elements found similar.

Number Array Subset

Number Array

Compare two number arrays and determines if one is a subset or other or not.

TRUE, if one array is subset of other.FALSE, if not.