Match Transformation: Round

The Round transformation allows numbers to be rounded, for the purpose of either clustering or matching records. Numbers that are close enough to be considered the same can be rounded to a common value.

This works in exactly the same way as the main Round processor, but is specifically useful within matching when clustering or comparing numbers.

Use the Round transformation if you have numerical data with varying degrees of accuracy, and you want to cluster or match using an approximation of each numeric value.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify the following options:

  • Decimal places: allows decimals to be rounded to a maximum number of decimal places. Type: Integer. Default value: 2.

  • Round to nearest: allows integers to be rounded to the nearest aggregation of a given integer, such as the nearest 10, or the nearest 100. Type: Integer. Default value: None.

  • Round type: drives how rounding is performed; that is, whether to round up, down or to the nearest whole value. Type: Selection (Up / Down / Nearest). Default value: Nearest.


If the Round to nearest value is set, this over-rides the value of the Decimal places option, and rounds values to the nearest aggregation of the given integer, such as the nearest 10 (that is, effectively sets Decimal places to 0).


In this example, the Round transformation is used to round an X co-ordinate of some geographical data to one decimal place.

Example configuration

Decimal places: 1

Round to nearest: (not used)

Round type: Nearest

Example transformations

The following table shows examples of transformations using the above configuration:

Table 1-92 Example Transformations for Round

Value Transformed value








