No Data Check

The No Data Check processor provides a simple way of checking whether or not there is any meaningful data in an attribute, or across a number of attributes. It also takes array as an input.

The No Data Check checks not only for null values, but also for empty Strings, and values consisting entirely of spaces or non-printing characters - though only null values will exist if the data has already undergone No Data Handling in the snapshot.

If a record has any data other than white space in any of the attributes analyzed, it is categorized as containing data. Otherwise, if all attributes analyzed contain No Data, it is categorized as containing no data.

Use the No Data Check processor to check for complete and incomplete values in an attribute, or across a number of attributes. For example, you may want to check for all records that have a missing Gender value, and add it where possible using the data available, perhaps by mapping from a Title attribute. Or, you may want to isolate all records that have no data at all in a number of Name or Address fields.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify any number of attributes or array inputs that you want to check for completeness.


Specify the following valid value options:

  • Check for No Data in: drives whether to mark records as having No Data if they have No Data in all of the input attributes, or if they have No Data in any of the input attributes. Specified as a selection (Any attributes/All attributes). Default value: All attributes.


Describes any data attribute or flag attribute outputs.

Data Attributes



The following flag is output:

  • DataFlag: indicates which data passes the No Data Check. Possible values are Y/N.

The following table describes the statistics produced by the profiler:

Statistic Description

Without Data

The number of records without data in the checked attributes.

With Data

The number of records with data in the checked attributes.

Output Filters

The following output filters are available:

  • Records with data in the checked attributes

  • Records without data in the checked attributes


In this example, the No Data Check is used to find records without an email address (in an EMAIL attribute):

A summary view:

This list describes the elements in the Summary page:

Without Data = 91

With Data = 1919

A drill down on Without Data:























