Proper Case

The Proper Case processor converts text attribute values to upper case for the first character of each word and to lower case for subsequent characters in the word.

Use the Proper Case processor when you want to standardize the appearance of words, for instance names or addresses for a mail shot.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify any String or String Array type attributes that you wish to convert to Proper Case. Number and Date attributes are not valid inputs.

Note that if you input an Array attribute, the transformation will apply to all array elements, and an Array attribute will be output.


Specify the following options:

  • Delimiters Reference Data: lists delimiters to be used to define words. Specified as Reference Data. Default value: None.

  • Delimiters: lists delimiters to be used to define words. Specified as a free text entry. Default value: Space.

  • Preserve mixed case: determines whether or not to retain the case of a mixed case word - for example to retain the case of 'McCartney', rather than transform it to Mccartney. However, if MACDONALD (all upper case) was the input word, this would still be transformed to Macdonald. Specified as Yes/No. Default value: No.

  • Exceptions: lists words not to be transformed into Proper Case. For instance connector words such as van, der, de, of are often not capitalized. Specified as Reference Data. Default value: None.

  • Ignore case when matching exceptions: determines whether or not to ignore case when matching the Exceptions Reference Data. Specified as Yes/No. Default value: No.

  • Action on Exception: what action should occur to the words listed as exceptions. Specified as a Selection (Convert to upper case / Convert to lower case / Leave case as it is). Default value: Leave case as it is.


Describes any data attribute or flag attribute outputs.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are output:

  • [Attribute Name].Proper: the proper case version of the attribute value. Value is derived from the original attribute value, converted to Proper Case.



The Proper Case transformer presents no summary statistics on its processing. In the data view, each input attribute is shown with its new derived proper case attribute to the right.

Output Filters



In this example, names of various capitalizations have been transformed with the following options:

  • Delimiters: '.- (Space, Apostrophe, Full stop and Hyphen)

  • Preserve mixed case words: Yes.

  • Exceptions: Reference data list including 'van' but not 'de' .

  • Ignore case when matching exceptions: Yes

  • Action on Exception: Convert to lower case.

name name.Proper

Tess De'Suiza

Tess De'Suiza



James De-lacey

James De-lacey


Fred De La Tour

Charles DeQuincey

Charles DeQuincey


Arthur Dentford


John De'Suiza