
Resolve is the final sub-processor of Parse. In this step, the selected token pattern of each record is used to drive the result of parsing (Pass, Review or Fail), and the way in which the data will be output, for example, in a new structure. All records with the same selected pattern will therefore be resolved in the same way.

The Resolve step is vital when using Parse either simply to validate data, or to transform data into a new structure.

For some types of data, it is often appropriate to configure the initial Parse processor with a simple set of rules, so that you can resolve the most frequent patterns and use simple mapping of tokens to output attributes to resolve the data into a new structure. You might then leave the remaining records in 'Review', and pass them on to a second Parse processor with a more complex configuration. This allows you to iterate round the processing of the second parser more quickly without affecting the records that you have already resolved.

Resolving Results

There are three methods of resolving records in parsing:

  • Exact rules - which a single token pattern will match exactly. Records with that pattern will be resolved with a Result and an optional Comment, and will be output in the way dictated by the rule.

  • Fuzzy rules - which a number of token patterns may match. Records with a matching token pattern will be resolved with a single Result and optional Comment, and will be output in the way dictated by the rule.

  • Automatic extraction - where tokens from patterns that do not match any specific Exact or Fuzzy rules are automatically extracted to corresponding output attributes. No Result or Comment is associated with records with these unmatched patterns. Automatic extraction is used by default, but may be turned off if required.

The three different methods are processed in priority order; that is, Exact rules take precedence over Fuzzy rules, which take precedence over Automatic extraction. If a pattern matches an Exact rule, it will not be processed by any Fuzzy rules. If a pattern matches an Fuzzy rule, it will not be processed by Automatic extraction.

In some cases, if you have effectively resolved tokens to their desired output attributes by means of Classification and Reclassification, no specific resolution rules will be required; that is, Automatic extraction will be sufficient. However, it is often useful to be able to determine how to output data according to its specific token pattern. In this case, the type of specific resolution rules (Exact or Fuzzy) to use may depend on the volume of data you are processing, and the number of distinct token patterns that require resolution. If you have a small number of distinct patterns, you can resolve them simply using Exact rules. If you have a large number of distinct patterns, you may choose to resolve the most common patterns exactly, but use Fuzzy rules to resolve the remaining patterns.

Exact Rules

Exact rules can only be created by browsing the selected token patterns in the Selection View (produced by the Select sub-processor), right-clicking on them, and selecting Resolve. Note that you can choose to resolve many patterns at once.

Use the arrow buttons at the top to move between token patterns.

Use the magic wand button to reset the mappings of tokens to their default attributes (that is, so that all tokens with a token tag that matches an output attribute name will be mapped to the matching output attribute, and all other tokens will be mapped to the UnclassifiedData output attribute, unless it has been deleted.)

You can add and remove output attributes by switching to the Output tab, adding and removing attributes, and switching back to the Exact tab to map the tokens from the patterns to these attributes.

When the parser is re-run, patterns that are resolved by an exact rule are displayed with a green background color, and with a reference to the rule identifier, in the Results Browser, to highlight the fact that they have been resolved.

Fuzzy Rules

Each Fuzzy rule uses a structured expression to match a number of token patterns. The structured expression is similar to that used in Reclassify, but with two differences:

  • You cannot use quote marks " " to match an Fuzzy resolution rule using the exact data in a given record, as resolution must occur per token pattern.

  • You cannot use normal parentheses ( ), as you can in reclassification rules to denote the part of the pattern that you want to reclassify. Resolution occurs against the whole pattern, across all input attributes.

The following table gives a guide to the syntax of the expressions used in Fuzzy resolution rules:

Characters Use Example

[ ]

Used to group a sequence of tokens in order to specify the number of times the sequence occurs. It is always followed by a range (enclosed in curly brackets) or by * or +.

If the group contains only a full stop [.] this means any token or tokens.


Matches the token <A>

{ }

Used to specify a range that expresses how many instances of the previous group (enclosed in square brackets) may occur in the pattern, in sequence. Ranges are specified with minimum and maximum numbers, separated by commas.


Matches 1-3 occurrences of the token <A> in sequence


Matches exactly 2 occurrences of the token <A> in sequence


Used to denote that the group is optional. This has the same meaning as {0,1}; that is, this matches if the group does not appear, or appears only once.


Matches if the title token does not appear, or appears once


Used instead of numbers in curly brackets (as above) to indicate that the previous group must occur at least once, but may occur any number of times.


Matches any number of occurrences of the token <A> in sequence


Used instead of numbers in curly brackets to indicate that the previous group may occur any number of times, or not at all.



Used to denote a wild card; that is, any token.

Use this together with rules on how many tokens you expect. For example, [.]* means any number of occurrences of any token.

[.]*(<A><valid Surname>)[.]*

Matches any pattern that includes <A><valid Surname>

Additional Notes

The following notes apply to fuzzy rules:

  • Unless you use wild cards, each rule will attempt to match the whole of the token pattern, across all attributes. The pattern will be order-sensitive, but not sensitive to the attributes where each token occurred.

  • Rules are order-sensitive. If a token pattern matches a higher Fuzzy rule, it will not be processed by any lower Fuzzy rules.

  • You may choose either to specify, or not specify, Base Tokens that represent either Delimiters or Whitespace, as driven from the configuration of the Tokenize step, in an Fuzzy resolution rule. If you do not include them, the rule will ignore them when matching patterns against the rule. If you include them in the rule, they will have to match exactly. For example, the rule <A><valid Surname> will match both <A>_<valid Surname> and <A>___<valid Surname>, but the rule <A>_<valid Surname> would only match the former pattern.

  • You may choose either to specify, or not specify, the classification confidence level of the tokens you are matching. For example, the rule <A><Surname> will match both <A><valid Surname> and <A><possible Surname>.

  • You may choose to specify which attribute a token occurs in, by means of attribute tags. Attribute tags are assigned automatically during mapping, and take the form a1, a2, a3 and so on. If your 'surname' input attribute has the tag a3, you may want to treat valid surnames found in that attribute with more confidence than valid surnames found in other attributes. Specifying a rule with a <valid a3.Surname> token allows you to do this. See Using attribute tags for more details.

When the parser is re-run, patterns that are resolved by a fuzzy rule are displayed with a yellow background color, and with a reference to the rule identifier, in the Results Browser, to highlight the fact that they have been resolved.

Example of Fuzzy resolution rules

In this example, an Fuzzy resolution rule is used to match a number of similar token patterns when parsing a BUSINESS attribute, containing Company Names

The following patterns all exist in the data:

<A>_<valid Suffix> (for example, "Dixie Associates")

<A>_<A>_<valid Suffix> (for example, "Payless Tyres Ltd")

<A>_<A>_<A>_<valid Suffix> (for example, "B W P Partners")

<A>_<A>_<A>_<A>_<valid Suffix> (for example, "Shire Support and Services Ltd")

The user wants simply to resolve all these patterns such that the Suffix is output to a Business Suffix output attribute, and the remainder of the name is output to a Business Name output.

To do this the following Fuzzy resolution rule is used, where up to four unclassified words are expected before a <valid Suffix> token, and are all mapped to the Business Name output:

This then works as follows (drilling down on the rule in the Resolution Rule view):

Note on the effect on resolution rules of deleting input or output attributes:

The deletion of input or output attributes from the Parse processor will affect any resolution rules that use those attributes.

If you delete an output attribute, it is also deleted from any Exact or Fuzzy resolution rules. The rules themselves, however, are not deleted. This is in order to preserve an attempt to resolve records according to your preferences, and not delete any mappings to other attributes that might still be valid.

In extreme cases, this can lead to resolution rules that are 'empty', as they only contained token mappings to attributes that no longer exist. More commonly, it will lead to rules that leave some data unmapped.

If you delete an input attribute, this naturally affects the token patterns that are generated in the data, and therefore makes it less likely that your resolution rules are valid.

In general, you should aim to begin creating and modifying resolution rules when all classifications and reclassifications are complete. Output attributes should normally be added (or perhaps renamed), but rarely deleted once they are used within resolution rules.

Automatic Extraction

Automatic extraction is an optional feature, used to create useful output from parsing without the need to use any specific resolution rules. It is also useful to use it in conjunction with exact and/or fuzzy resolution rules, to create the best possible output for the remaining patterns (that do not match any specific rules). The aim of automatic extraction is to reflect the various token classifications of the input data directly in the output of the Parse processor.

When used, output attributes are automatically created for each distinct token classification tag used in the Classify and Reclassify stages. Tokens that match any of these tags are automatically extracted from each token pattern to these output attributes. Where a pattern contains multiple tokens with the same tag (for example, <valid Forename><valid Forename>...), these are all mapped to the same output attribute, separated using the delimiter that you choose (comma by default).

An additional output attribute is also created (Parse.UnclassifiedData). All tokens that are not specifically classified using a classification or reclassification rule are extracted to this attribute, again separated using the delimiter that you choose.

Automatic extraction can be enabled or disabled from the Outputs tab of the Resolve sub-processor. The delimiter placed between tokens, when more than one token in a given record is classified with the same tag, can also be changed.

Example of Automatic Extraction

By default; that is, without any exact or fuzzy resolution rules, automatic extraction will map (for a Parse processor checking and separating data in a NAME attribute) all classified tokens to output attributes of the same name, and mapping all remaining unclassified tokens to Parse.UnclassifiedData.

Drilldown on Pass records

When drilling down to see the output data from the Parse processor, it is useful to use the Show Flags toggle on the Results Browser to see all the flag attributes the parser adds, including the selected token pattern, and the assigned Result and Comment.