
The toolbar provides easy access to a number of common functions in EDQ. The icons on the toolbar represent these common functions.

The following figure displays the toolbar in Director.
This image shows the toolbar icons.
The icons in the toolbar are explained in the following table:
Toolbar Icon Description

Save icon

Saves the currently selected process in the Canvas.

Save all icon

Saves the changes to all the processes that are open in the Canvas.

Print icon

Prints the current Canvas.

Undo icon

Undoes the last action on the Canvas. The Undo button may be used repetitively to undo many actions.

Redo icon

Redoes the last action on the Canvas. The Redo button may be used repetitively to redo many actions.

Cut icon

Cuts the selected item or items on the Canvas to the clipboard for pasting into a different process.

Copy icon

Copies the selected item or items to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. The following three Copy operations are possible, depending on what is selected:
  • Copy the selected item or group of items in the Project Browser to the clipboard, for pasting into another project or server.

  • Copy the selected item or items on the Canvas to the clipboard, for pasting into another process.

  • Copy the selected data in the Results Browser to the clipboard, for pasting into Reference Data, or into an external application.

Paste icon with multiple options

Pastes the currently selected item or items. The following three Paste operations are possible, depending on what is in the clipboard:
  • Pasting Project Browser objects (for example from one project to another).

  • Pasting processors and comments on the Canvas (that is, from one process to another).

  • Pasting data into a reference list (that is, from data in the Results Browser, or from an external application).Pasting data into a reference list (that is, from data in the Results Browser, or from an external application).

Show All icon

Shows all the panels in the Director user interface, including the Project Browser, Canvas, Results Browser, and Tools Palette.

Show Only Canvas and Tool Palette icon

Shows only the Canvas and Tool Palette.

Scheduled Jobs icon

Launches the Scheduled Jobs window, showing the list of jobs that have been scheduled to run on the connected server.

Event Log icon
Launches the Event Log window, showing a list of completed Jobs, Tasks and System Tasks on the connected server. See Event Log for more information.

Tooltips are available so that when you hover over the icon on the toolbar, a brief description of its function is displayed.