Add Purge Schedule

Use the Add Purge Schedules using the Add icon. You can specify when to run the purge schedule and provide additional criteria to filter the instances to be purged. The criteria may include transfer status, transfer names, and the time range of the instances to be purged.

Element Description


Specify a name for the purge schedule.

Schedule Start Date

Date from which the schedule starts.

Schedule End Date

(Optional) Date on which the schedule stops. In case no end date is provided, the schedule will purge data continuously at the schedule time and date.

Schedule Time

Specify the time when the purge starts. By default, it is set to 12 am.


The frequency of the scheduled job. Options are daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Retention Period

Instances to be purged will be considered as per the retention period. It specifies the period of time of the instances that should be purged calculated from the schedule run date.


Status of the instances that will be purged. Options - Completed and/or Failed. One of the options must be selected.

Transfer Filter

Names of transfers whose instances need to be purged. If Transfer name is not specified, then the action will be applied on all instances of all transfers.

Select Transfers

Click to add Transfer names.


Add comments.


Click Save to save the schedule.


Click Cancel to cancel the schedule.

Related Topics

"Adding a Run Now Purge" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer