
Use the Deployments tab to examine and enable or disable deployed sources, targets, and transfers. How?

Element Description

All Objects

Shows all deployment artifacts (sources, targets, and transfers).


Undeploys the selected artifacts. To redeploy, go to the Design page, open the artifact, and select Deploy.


Enables the selected artifacts if they have been disabled. Displays a confirmation dialog about associated artifacts. Select the Enable all associated Transfers checkbox to enable all the associated transfers with the selected source. Or leave the checkbox blank to enable only the selected source.


Disables the selected artifacts. Displays a warning dialog about dependent artifacts and disables them as well.

Show Details

Shows details, including deployment labels and dependent artifacts, for one selected artifact.


Changes the artifacts displayed according to the Order By, Deployed, Updated, From, To, and Show Only settings.


Displays all artifacts and resets the Order By, Deployed, Updated, From, To, and Show Only settings to their defaults.

Order By

Orders artifacts by: Name (alphabetically), Name (reverse order), Recently deployed, Oldest deployed, Recent status change, Oldest status change and Type.Time Deployed (Ascending), Time Deployed (Descending), Time Updated (Ascending), Time Updated (Descending).

Time Deployed, Time Updated

Specifies whether the From and To settings show when artifacts were last deployed or last updated.


Shows artifacts deployed or updated after the specified date and time.


Shows artifacts deployed or updated before the specified date and time.


Select the rows to enable, disable or un-deploy the deployments. Options are:

  • All - Selects all artifacts

  • None - Deselects all artifacts.

  • Inverse - Inverts which artifacts are selected.


Shows the checked artifact types: Sources, Targets, or Transfers.


Appears when artifact type Source or/and Targets are selected. Click to synchronize deployment list with changes just made to filters.

Object Table

Displays the artifacts specified by the Order By, Deployed, Updated, From, To, and Show Only settings.

Selection Checkbox

Selects the artifact in the table row. The Undeploy, Enable, Disable, and Show Deployment Details settings apply to selected artifacts.


Displays the artifact name and type.


Displays the user who created the artifact.


Displays the date and time of the last Deployment or Update.


Displays the status: Enabled or Disabled.

Related Topics

Monitoring Deployed Sources, Targets, and Transfers in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer