Embedded Servers—Ports

Use the Embedded Server Ports tab to display server instance status and configure FTP, FTPS (FTP over SSL), and sFTP (SSH-FTP) embedded server ports. How?

The embedded servers are services on the Oracle WebLogic Server managed server instances dedicated to Oracle Managed File Transfer.


Start and Stop in the Embedded Servers—FTP Server or Embedded Servers—sFTP Server tab affect only the embedded servers. Start, Stop, and Restart in this tab affect both the Oracle WebLogic Server managed server instances and the embedded servers (services) running on them.

Element Description


Saves port changes for the selected server instance and service. Remember to save before closing this tab.


Starts the selected server instance and service.


Stops the selected server instance and service.


Restarts the selected server instance and service.

Server Instance

Displays the name of the server instance.


Displays the service on the Configured Port: FTP, FTPS, or sFTP.

Configured Port

Specifies the port. To change the Running Port to the Configured Port, Save, then Restart. The defaults are 7021 for FTP, 7990 for FTPS, and 7522 for sFTP.

Running Port

Displays the running port.

Server Status

Displays the server instance status: RUNNING, DISABLED, STOPPED.

Updated By

Displays the user who last updated the port.


Selects the server instance and service in the table row. To select all server instances and services, check Select All. Save, Start, Stop, and Restart act on the selected server instances and services.

Related Topics

"Port Management" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer