Keystores Management - Keys Tab

Use the Keys tab to create, import, export, delete, and update SSH, PEM, and PGP keys. The Keys tab lists the existing keys in the system. You can search keys using the Format and Types of Keys filters.

SSL keys are managed through the MFT console or WLST command line.

Elements Description


Choose to filter the list by SSH, PEM, PGP, or All Formats.


Choose to filter list by Private, Public, or All Types.

For an RSA key of PEM format, only Private is valid.


Enter a key alias to search for.

Create Key Create Key icon

Click to create a new key.

To generate a private RSA key of PEM format, which is used to connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure when the OCI Storage Cloud Service type is selected as a source or target, you cannot use the Oracle Managed File Transfer console or the WSLT generateKeys command. Instead, you can use an external key generation application, such as ssh-keygen, or follow the steps in How to Generate an API Signing Key in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation. Then, you can import the RSA key of PEM format.

Import Key Import Key icon

Click to import a new key.

Before you can use the OCI Storage Cloud Service type as a source or target, you must import a private RSA key of PEM format to connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Update Key Update Key icon

Click to update the selected key.

Export Key Export Key icon

Click to export the selected key to the local machine.

Delete Key

Click to delete the selected key.

Related Topics

Using the Keys Tab in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

Managing Keystores Using Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer