Download the metadata archive or config plan file



Downloads either the metadata archive or config plan file.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

500 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Error information.
Type: object
Title: Error information.
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
    "errorMessage":"Error occurred while exporting the metadata."
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The following cURL command shows how to download the metadata resource by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL.

cURL Command

To download the metadata archive:

curl -o -LOk -D- -u <username>:<password> -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/zip" http://<host>:<port>/mftapp/rest/v1/applicationMetadata/archive

To download the config plan:

curl -o <filename.xml> -LOk -D- -u <username>:<password> -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" http://<host>:<port>/mftapp/rest/v1/applicationMetadata/configPlan


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<MftConfigPlan xmlns=""> 
		<!--Add global search and replace rules. Example :
		<!--Add source level search and replace rules. Example : 
		<sourcePattern namePattern="*"> 
<!--Add target level search and replace rules. Example :
<targetPattern namePattern="*"> 
<!--add search and replace rules for the artifact properties-->
		<source name="File UCM">
			<binding technologyBinding="File"> 
				<attribute name="Content Folder">
		<source name="SFTP R">   
			<binding technologyBinding="sFTP Remote">
				<attribute name="Host Name"> 
				<attribute name="Content Folder">
 				<attribute name="Password">
				<attribute name="Control Port">  
				<attribute name="User Name">
	<source name="SFTP_L">
		<binding technologyBinding="sFTP Remote"> 
			<attribute name="Host Name">
			<attribute name="Content Folder">
	<source name="File Src">
		<binding technologyBinding="File">
			<attribute name="Content Folder"> 
	<source name="SOAP">
		<binding technologyBinding="SOAP">
			<attribute name="URL"> 
	<source name="File"> 
		<binding technologyBinding="File"> 
			<attribute name="Content Folder">
		<target name="sftp_windows">
			<binding technologyBinding="sFTP Remote">
 				<attribute name="Host Name">
				<attribute name="Content Folder"> 
				<attribute name="Password">
				<attribute name="Control Port"> 
				<attribute name="User Name">   
	</target><target name="SOA Tgt">  
		<binding technologyBinding="SOAP" applicationBinding="SOA"> 
			<attribute name="Port"> 
			</attribute><attribute name="Service"> 
			</attribute> <attribute name="URL">
			<attribute name="Action"> 
	<target name="Storage">
		<binding technologyBinding="Oracle Storage Cloud Service">
			<attribute name="User Name">  
			<attribute name="Service Name"> 
			<attribute name="Password">
 			<attribute name="Service URL">
 			<attribute name="Container Name">
	<target name="sftp_Remote">
			<binding technologyBinding="sFTP Remote">
		<attribute name="Host Name">  
		<attribute name="Content Folder">
		</attribute><attribute name="Password">   
		<attribute name="Control Port">
		<attribute name="User Name">
<target name="File Tgt"> 
		<binding technologyBinding="File"> 
		<attribute name="Content Folder">   
<target name="UCM"> 
			<binding technologyBinding="WebCenter"> 
				<attribute name="User Name">
				<attribute name="Connection URL">  
				<attribute name="Password"> 
		<transferName>FTP to File</transferName>
		<transferName>R SFTP to File</transferName> 
		<transferName>file to storage</transferName> 
		<transferName>File wc to UCM</transferName>
		<transferName>File To File</transferName>
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