Export MFT artifacts and config plan file



Exports MFT artifacts in zip format and config plan file in XML format.


Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Export artifact was completed.

500 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Error information.
Type: object
Title: Error information.
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
    "errorMessage":"Unsupported artifact type found. Artifact type: {TYPE}."
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Example of Response Body

The following example shows how to export MFT artifacts in zip format and configPlan file in XML format by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -i -X GET -u <username>:<password> -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" http://host:port/mftapp/rest/v1/artifacts?sourceName=test2

The following example shows the contents of the response body in xml format:

<mft-artifacts version="12.2.x.x">  
		<file name="test2">
			<generalProperties contentFolder="/.../user_projects/domains/base_domain/mft/storage/t3" minimumAge="0" includeContentInSubfolder="true"/> 
			<advancedProperties triggerFileStrategy="Once only" triggerFileName="1.txt" maxRaiseSize="2000" singleThreaded="true" threadCount="1">
				 <content includeExcludePatternType="Wildcard" includeFiles="*.txt"/> 
				<Compress order="1" level="Default Compression"> 
				<Polling enable="false" pollingInterval="60">  
				<Event enable="true" enableSecurity="true"> 
 						<group name="AdminChannelUsers"/>
						<role name="MFTAdmin"/> 
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