Get the details of the resultant instances of an event



Gets details about the instances created by an event. Requires submitting an eventSessionId as a path parameter. Submit with query parameter inDetail=true for response to contain complete details of the resultant instances; submit without query parameter for response to contain minimal details.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Event details.
Body ()
Root Schema : eventDetails
Type: object
Title: eventDetails
Show Source
Nested Schema : instances
Type: array
Title: instances
Information about the instances.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Title: items
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
Title: details
Details of the instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : status
Type: object
Title: status
String values depicting status of the instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : targets
Type: array
Title: targets
Target associated with the transfer.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Title: items
Show Source

500 Response

Error information.
Body ()
Root Schema : error
Type: object
Title: error
Show Source
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The following cURL command shows how to get the details of an event by submitting GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL.

cURL Command

curl -I -X GET -u <username>:<password>  -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/mftapp/rest/v1/mftapp/rest/v1/events/ss212020-2139021-122/instances 

Example of Response Body: 200 Response: Minimal Instance Details of an Event

The following example shows the contents of the response body for a successful request in JSON format when the inDetail=false query parameter is not submitted:

  "eventSessionId": "ss212020-2139021-122",
  "totalInstances": 1,
  "sourceName": "src1",
  "sourceType": "SFTP",
  "endpointReference": "srrha1",
  "submittedBy": "user1",
  "instances": [
      "filename": "file1",
      "status": [
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "subStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"

Example of Response Body: 200 Response: Complete Instance Details of an Event

The following example shows the contents of the response body for a successful request in JSON format when the inDetail=true query parameter is submitted:

	  "eventSessionId": "ss212020-2139021-122",
	  "totalInstances": 1,
	  "sourceName": "src1",
	  "sourceType": "SFTP",
	  "endpointReference": "srrha1",
	  "submittedBy": "user1",
	  "instances": [
			  "filename": "file1",
			  "status": [
					  "status": "COMPLETED",
					  "subStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"
			  "details": [
					  "statusDetail": "Successful 1,Errored 0,InPogress 0",
					  "bytesReceived": "28",
					  "receivedTime": "2014-09-30 20:26:36.855",
					  "sourceURL": "http://host:port/mftconsole/faces/report?type=source=0000KZ742Fr1VcHpMs5Eie1KAg5t00000U",
					  "priority": "MEDIUM",
					  "targets": [
							  "targetName": "file_tgt2",
							  "status": "COMPLETED",
							  "deliveredFileName": "test1.txt",
							  "bytesTransferred": "28",
							  "completionTime": "2014-09-30 20:26:38.414"

Example of Response Body: 500 Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body for an successful request in JSON format:

  "errorMessage":"Error in processing EventService request. No Event found with provided Event Session Id {id}."     
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