Initializing Metadata Store

Only Oracle user-managed services This topic applies only to Oracle user-managed services.

After installing Oracle Stream Analytics, you need to configure the metadata store with the database admin credential details and the version of Oracle Stream Analytics as required.


If you do not have the database admin credentials, ask your database administrator to create a Oracle Stream Analytics database user and initialize the content under the user by using the SQL scripts available in the OSA- folder. The Oracle Stream Analytics database username must match the one configured in jetty-osa-datasource.xml.
To initialize the metadata store, you need database admin credentials with sysdba privileges:
  1. Change directory to OSA-
  2. Execute the following command:
    ./ dbroot=<root user> dbroot_password=<db root password>


    Ensure that you replace the database root username and password as required.
    The following console messages indicates that the Oracle Stream Analytics schema is created and the metadata store is successfully initialized:
    OSA DB user created: <User>
    OSA schema version:


    If you don’t see the above messages, check the OSA- folder to identify the cause and potential solution.
  3. Press enter on the console and run the OSA- file to complete the metadata store initialization.