Error Messages

Here are some typical error codes and messages, and the corresponding HTTP status codes that the GoldenGate Stream Analytics service returns:

Pipeline Management

HTTP Status Code Description GGSA Error Code GGSA Error Message
404 Resource Not Found OSA-01228 Entity(Pipeline) does not exist.
OSA-01374 No artifacts to import. Use a bundle with a valid json file containing OSA catalog artifacts.
OSA-01381 No new artifact to import. Append ?overwrite=true, in case you want to overwrite the existing artifact match.
409 Incorrect State OSA-01464 Pipeline is already in published state.If you intend to republish the pipeline, please unpublish the pipeline before publish.
OSA-01003 File loading error
409 Conflict OSA-01465 Pipeline is not owned by this user. Pipeline can only be published/unpublished by the user who owns it.
409 Incorrect State/ Conflict OSA-01213 Pipeline deployment has failed. RequestStatusMessage failed after 10 * 5000 ms.. (Timeout)
OSA-01369 Version mismatch: the bundle version does not match the current database version. Import a bundle with version $version.
OSA-01364 Export of this Artifact type is not supported yet.

User Management

HTTP Status Code Description GGSA Error Code GGSA Error Message
400 Bad Request OSA-ADM-01016 OSA-ADM-01016 A user profile with the user name ${requested_user} already exists
OSA-ADM-01030 OSA-ADM-01030 Ensure to specify user name and password, it cannot be empty.
OSA-ADM-01031 OSA-ADM-01031 User name value is too large. Specify a username of max 100 character.
404 Resource Not Found OSA-ADM-01024 OSA-ADM-01024 Unable to find the ${requested_role} role. For example, OSA-ADM-01024 Unable to find the \"admin1\" role
OSA-ADM-01020 OSA-ADM-01020 Unable to find the ${requested_user} user. For example, OSA-ADM-01020 Unable to find the \"TestUser76847\" user