Pipeline Management cURL Examples

The following are examples to submit requests on the REST resource, for GGSA pipeline management services, using cURL.

Export a GGSA Pipeline

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> http://<ggsa_host>:<ggsa_port>/osa/services/v1/pipelines/<pipeline_id>/export -o

Import GGSA Artifacts

curl -X PATCH -u <username>:<password> -F artifacts=@<artifacts_zip_local_path> 

List GGSA Pipelines

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> http://<ggsa_host>:<ggsa_port>/osa/services/v1/pipelines

Publish a GGSA Pipeline

curl -X PATCH -u <username>:<password> http://<ggsa_host>:<ggsa_port>/osa/services/v1/pipelines/<pipeline_id>/publish

Example of Request Payload

The following example shows the contents of the request payload in JSON format.

  "batchDuration": 1000,
  "logLevel": "Info",
  "executorInstance": 1,
  "exectorCores": 2,
  "executorMemory": 1500,
  "driverCores": 1,
  "driverMemory": 1800,
  "enableCheckPointing": true,
  "enableIntermediateTopic": true,
  "intermediateTopicRetentionPeriod": 3600000,
  "topicOffset": "latest",
  "resetOffset": false

Unpublish a GGSA Pipeline

curl -X PATCH -u <username>:<password> http://<ggsa_host>:<ggsa_port>/osa/services/v1/pipelines/<pipeline_id>/unpublish