4 Upgrading GoldenGate Stream Analytics

If you have an existing GoldenGate Stream Analytics or higher installation, use the following steps to upgrade to GoldenGate Stream Analytics

4.1 Upgrading GoldenGate Stream Analytics

To upgrading from an existing version of GGSA to newer version:

  1. Backup your metadata store using any of Oracle or MySQL backup tools. The backup is required to restore the tools in case the upgrade fails.
  2. Run the ./stop-osa.sh command to stop the GGSA server.
  3. Create a OSA-19 folder and download the OSA- file into the newly- created folder.
  4. Unzip to extract the contents of the OSA- file.
  5. Copy <YourVersion>/osa-base/etc/osa-env.sh to OSA-
  6. Copy <YourVersion>/osa-base/etc/jetty-osa-datasource.xml to OSA-
  7. Run the ./start-osa.sh command to start the OSA server. This performs the schema migration.
  8. To validate the upgrade, see Validating your Installation.