6.5 Creating Spark Master VMs and Configuing a Spark Master on each VM

  1. Create 2 Spark Master VMs in the private regional subnet your-private-regional-subnet using the GGSA image. Spark Master VMs should be of same compute shape – Minimum shape is VM Standard 2.1.


    IP addresses of these Master VMs are required for subsequent steps. Save them as a space separated list, for example, Master VM IP List.
  2. SSH and execute the script init-spark-master.sh on each Master VM. The usage for the script is as follows and all arguments to the script must be separated by space.

    $OSA_HOME/osa-base/bin/init-spark-master.sh <MountTargetIP> < Worker VM IP List >

    Example: $OSA_HOME/osa-base/bin/init-spark-master.sh

On successful run, Spark Master processes must be running on Spark Master VMs.