5 Upscaling and Downscaling GoldenGate Stream Analytics Compute Shape Sizes

This chapter describes how to upscale or downscale the compute shape sizes of your GGSA instance on Oracle Cloud Marketplace compute node.

To change the size of the your GGSA Compute Shape:

  1. Login to your OCI Tenancy.
  2. From the Context menu on the top left corner of your screen, select Compute, and then select Instances.
  3. Select the GGSA Compute Node to edit.
  4. From the Instance Details screen, locate the Edit drop down menu.
  5. From the Edit drop down menu, select the option Edit Shape. A list of available shapes appear, allowing you to select the desired shape for your selected compute instance.
  6. Select the required compute shape and click Change Shape.

This restarts your compute node.