2.3.1 Configuring ATP/ADW as Metadata Store

GoldenGate Stream Analytics creates the metadata schema, as part of initial configuration of the system, using the script: ${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/bin/configure.sh dbroot=<sys user of database> dbroot_password=<sys user password of the database>

However, before running the above script, you must configure the datasource in the datasource configuration file at${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/etc/jetty-osa-datasource.xml.

To configure ATP/ADW as metadata store, first comment the Oracle and MYSQL sections, while uncommenting the ADW/APT section in jetty-osa-datasource.xml file.

Below is the template for the datasource configuration for ATP/ADW database:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_3.dtd">
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
    <New id="osads" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
             <Ref refid="wac"/>
             <New class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" type="adw">
                 <Set name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@{service_name}?TNS_ADMIN={wallet_absolute_path}</Set>
                 <Set name="User">{osa_db_user}</Set>
                 <Set name="Password">
                    <Call class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.security.Password" name="deobfuscate">
                <Set name="connectionCachingEnabled">true</Set>
                <Set name="connectionCacheProperties">
                    <New class="java.util.Properties">
                        <Call name="setProperty"><Arg>MinLimit</Arg><Arg>1</Arg></Call>
                        <Call name="setProperty"><Arg>MaxLimit</Arg><Arg>15</Arg></Call>
                        <Call name="setProperty"><Arg>InitialLimit</Arg><Arg>1</Arg></Call>


In the above template, replace the variables in {} as below:

  • {service_name} - one of the service names listed in the tnsnames.ora file inside the wallet
  • {wallet_absolute_path} - the absolute path of wallet folder on the machine where OSA is installed
  • {osa_db_user} - the username to create the osa metadata. This username and schema will be created by the 'dbroot' user provided in above script.
  • {obfuscated_password} - the Obfuscated password for {osa_db_user}