Configuring Pipeline Preferences

To set the pipeline configurations:
  1. Click the user name in the top right corner of the screen and Select System Settings from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Pipelines and set the following configurations:
    • Batch Duration: Set the default duration of the batch for each pipeline.

    • Executor Count: Set the default number of executors per pipeline.

    • Cores per Executor: Set the default number of cores. A minimum value of 2 is required.

    • Executor Memory: Set the default allocated memory for each executor instance in megabytes.

    • Cores per Driver: Set the default number of cores. A minimum value of 1 is required.

    • Driver Memory: Set the default allocated memory per driver instance in megabytes.

    • Log Level: Select a log level for unpublished pipelines, from the drop-down list.


      Reset the default log level of draft pipelines to WARNING, and of published pipelines, to ERROR.
    • High Availability: Set the default HA value for each pipeline

    • Pipeline Topic Retention: Set retention period for intermediate stage topics, in milliseconds. Default is one hour.
    • Enable Pipeline Topics: Select this option to enable creation of intermediate kafka topics. It is selected by default.
    • Input Topics Offset: Select the Kafka topic offset value from the drop-down list. The default value is latest.


      When you publish the pipeline for the first time, the input stream is read based on the offset value you have selected in this drop-down list. On a subsequent publish, the value you have selected here is not considered, and the input stream is read from where it was last left off.
    • Reset Offset: Select this option to read the input stream based on the offset value selected in the Input Topics Offset drop-down list.


      If you are using two Kafka streams as an input to the pipeline, the offset is not preserved and the pipeline starts from the current timestamp. With a single stream the offset is maintained and the pipeline can read from the previous state of it.

  3. Click Save.