Creating a Connection to ONS

The OCI Notification Service (ONS) connection option is currently available only on the OCI Marketplace GGSA instance.

To create an ONS connection:

  1. On the Catalog page, click Create New Item.
  2. Hover the mouse over Connection and select OCI from the submenu.
  3. On the Type Properties screen, enter the following details:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the connection. This is a mandatory field.
    • Display Name: Enter a display name for the connection. If left blank, the Name field value is copied.
    • Description
    • Tags
    • Connection Type: The selected connection is displayed.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Connection Details screen, enter the following details:
    • OCI User OCID: Enter the OCI user ID.
    • OCI Fingerprint : Enter the fingerprint of the API public key file that you uploaded to OCI. For example, oci_api_key_public.pem.

    • OCI Key File: Select the API private key file for signing API calls. For example, oci_api_key.pem.
    • Key Passphrase: Enter the Passphrase for the API private key file. The API key can be passphrase-protected.

    • OCI Tenancy OCID: Enter the OCID of the tenant in which the ONS topic is defined.

    • OCI Profile: Set the OCI profile. Default value is DEFAULT.
    • OCI Namespace: Enter the OCI namespace that spans all compartments within a region.
    • OCI Region: Enter the region in which tenancy is created.

      For a list of OCI regions, refer to the Region Identifier column in the Regions and Availability Domains documentation.

    • OCI Compartment OCID: Enter the OCID of the compartment in which the ONS topic or Object Store is defined.

  6. Click Test Connection, to validate the credentials to connect to OCI, and to ensure that the dependent client libraries are downloaded from maven central repository.
  7. Click Save.


To integrate with OCI Notification service, you have to define an OCI Notification service topic. Once you have defined a topic, note down the following parameters that are required to send Messages from GGSA to OCI Notification:
  • My Message: The message that target pushed to OCI Notification service topic.
  • Topic: The topic created on OCI Notification service. The OSA target can publish message to this topic.
  • Email, Function, HTTPS, Slack: The subscriptions to the topic. All users who have subscribed to the topic receive the message.