Creating a Connection to OSS

To create a connection to OSS:

  1. On the Catalog page, click Create New Item.
  2. Hover the mouse over Connection and select Kafka from the submenu.
  3. On the Type Properties screen, enter the following details:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the connection. This is a mandatory field.
    • Display Name: Enter a display name for the connection. If left blank, the Name field value is copied.
    • Description
    • Tags
    • Connection Type: The selected connection is displayed.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Connection Details screen, enter the following details:
    • Use Bootstrap: Check this box to use a bootstrap based connection. This is mandatory for OSS connections. Connection to OSS can only be established using the Bootstrap server option.

    • Kafka bootstrap: Enter the bootstrap URL.

    • SSL: Do not check this box when connecting to OCI Streaming Service.

    • SASL: Check this box if Kafka broker requires authentication. This is mandatory for OSS connections.

    • User Name: Enter the SASL username for the Kafka broker, in the following format:

      tenancyName/username/stream pool id


      Enter the tenancyName and userName, not tenancy OCID and user OCID. Similarly, enter the stream pool ID and not the stream pool name. Ensure that the auto create topic is enabled for the stream pool ID.

      You can retrieve this information from the OCI console. This field is enabled only if you have checked the SASL option.

    • Password — Enter the SASL password, which is an authentication token that you can generate on the User Details page, of the OCI console.


      Copy the authentication token when you create it, and save it for future use. You can not retrieve it at a later stage.

  6. Click Test Connection, to ensure that you have successfully created a connection.
  7. Click Save.