Creating an Ignite Cache Target

To create an Ignite Cache target:

  1. On the Catalog page, click Create New Item.
  2. Hover the mouse over Target and selectIgnite Cache from the submenu.
  3. On the Type Properties screen, enter the following details:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the target. This is a mandatory field.
    • Display Name: Enter a display name for the target. If left blank, the Name field value is copied.
    • Description
    • Tags
    • Target Type: The selected target is displayed.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Target Details screen, enter the following details:
    • Connection: Select an Ignite connection. Select an embedded connection if you have the Internal cache cluster is started.

    • Cache Name: Enter a unique cache name for the ignite cluster. This will be verified when the cache name is validated.

    • Expiry Delay: Select the cache expiry period from the drop-down list.
    • Caching Scheme: Select a scheme from the drop-down list. This field is not applicable for an embedded cluster.
      • Replicated : If you select this scheme, all the data is replicated to every node in the cluster.
      • Partitioned: If you select this scheme, the entire data set is divided equally into partitions.
    • Backup: Enter the number of backup nodes. This field is not applicable for an embedded cluster.
    • Update Cache Entry: Select this option to update a particular key value with new data. This option is enabled by default.
    • Data Format: Select a data format from the drop-down list.

  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Data Format screen, enter the shape details for the stream, based on the data format you have selected.
    • For JSON:
      • Create nested json object: Select this option to create a nested JSON object for the target.

  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Shape screen, enter the following details:
    • For JSON:
      • Shape Name: Enter a name for the shape.
      • Clear Fields: Click to clear all the fields from the existing shape.
      • Key: Select a key from the input data to store record.

        You can select multiple fields as key. Key selection is mandatory.

      • Field Name: Add the necessary fields.
      • Field Path: Enter the field path.
      • Field Type: Select the field data type from the drop-down list.
  10. Click Save.


You cannot edit an Ignite target once created. This restriction avoids cache data corruption because only one target from the GGSA platform is allowed to write to only one cache in the ignite server.