2.5 Jetty Properties File

Use the jetty properties available at OSA-*/osa-base/etc/jetty.properties, to modify certain security features.


It is recommended that you configure these properties at the installation stage, to avoid restarting your server, if configured at a later stage.
Following are the available properties:
  • jetty.session.timeout

    You can set the timeout for OSA web session. This sets the timeout for OSA web session. By default the timeout is set to 30 minutes. The value can be changed to any integer greater than 1.

  • host.headers.whitelist

    You can restrict the x-forwarded-host header values to the values defined with this property.

    Example: host.headers.whitelist= www.oracle.com, www.microsoft.com, localhost:9080

    Here the value of the host header can be only of these three domains listed. Commenting out this property with a # will allow all values for the header.


    If you do not specify explicitly the host header in your request, the default value is host-server:port, where the OSA jetty server is running. Hence you must specify the port number along with the server address.
  • xforwarded.host.headers.whitelist

    You can restrict the x-forwarded-host header values to the values defined with this property.

    Example: xforwarded.host.headers.whitelist= www.oracle.com, www.microsoft.com, localhost

    Here the value of the x-forwarded-host header can be only of these three domains listed. Commenting out this property with a # will allow all values for the header. If no domain is entered, that is, if the value of the property is empty, then this header is not supported.

  • response.headers.list

    A comma separated list of response headers, which will be sent along with response for every request.

    Example: response.headers.list="x-frame-options: sameorigin, X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"

    By default the above 2 response headers are set.
    • x-frame-options: sameorigin will prevent clickjack attacking.
    • X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff will prevent sniffing of the response content by the browsers.